The Value of a Personal Marketing Assistant in Modern-Day Book Marketing

In today’s wired world, there are more ways than ever for an author to reach out to potential readers – if they know how.

While traditional book signings, press releases, face-to-face meetings with bookstore owners and interviews remain terrific channels for book marketing, the means by which we negotiate these avenues is constantly changing. What’s more, there’s a whole new world of Internet marketing – social media, websites, video marketing, blogging, etc. – that has complicated how we reach out to consumers.

Today’s marketer must not only be creative, but exceptionally tech-savvy as well. This is where the Outskirts Press Personal Marketing Assistants come in. Our Personal Marketing Assistants can help you with:

  • Developing a marketing plan
  • Coordinating and scheduling book signing events
  • Establishing/developing your author platform
  • Marketing campaign lead follow up
  • And much, much more!

To that end, Outskirts Press has cherry-picked some of the most talented and experienced marketing professionals in the publishing business. We’d like you to meet a few of the Personal Marketing Assistants who can help take your book marketing to the next level.

Lisa S. Neal
Lisa brings more than 16 years of experience in marketing, marketing research and sales to Outskirts Press. She has an MBA from Pepperdine and a B.S. in Business Administration from Drake University, and has worked for leading consumer goods companies such as Neutrogena, Johnson & Johnson, and AC Nielsen.

“My Personal Marketing Assistant, Lisa, was very responsive to our particular situation and opportunities. She helped me learn how to use some excellent online marketing tools and did some of the contacting of radio and television stations so I wouldn’t be the one representing myself. I really enjoyed our time on the phone together and the way she follows up with email.” – Karin Gunderson, author of Encounters with Heaven: Stories of God’s Surprising Presence

Rob Mangelson
Rob is a seasoned marketing professional with more than 16 years experience in multiple industries in both traditional and online marketing. Through his experience and education, Rob has developed a keen sense of relationship and loyalty marketing, and offers a unique understanding of a variety of markets.

“As a new author, I must say having Rob Mangelson as my PMA was a great experience. Not only did he assist me in reaching some of my sales and marketing goals, but also towards gaining lots of exposure for my book – which included, getting me an interview on a radio show, but also arranging my first book signing! In addition, Rob provided me with a lot of helpful tips and connections on the way!” – S.L. Holliday, author of My Identity Christ-is: Stay in the Game.

Tomica Bonner

Tomica has six years of business and marketing experience assisting authors and writers. She holds a B.A. from Baker College in Business Management and has been published by several online businesses, such as Intuit, AOL and Chron Business.

“Tomica was very cool and thorough in the marketing process. She excelled in troubleshooting the difficulties met within the process of publishing. I learned so much through these experiences.” – M.U. Salas-Tristan, author of Rocky’s ABC Book With His Friends

Are you ready to take your book marketing to the next level with 5-hours of Personal Marketing Assistance? Click to order some one-on-one time today.

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Jennifer’s management of my publishing can be evidenced by the finished product: Excellent. The book is PERFECT from front cover to back. My questions were always answered in a very timely and professional manner. I’m already working on my next submission and fully intend to utilize Outskirts Press again. I would recommend them to anyone interested in self-publishing, be it their first or fifth project. You will not be disappointed!”

As part of a team-building exercise at work, Ellen Cumbess took a personality profile assessment that classified attendees as either lions, monkeys, turtles, or camels. Ellen was a lion. As this light bulb of realization begins to flicker, the author summons to mind the events that led to the creation of this lion personality. This was the beginning of Ellen’s exploration into her own history which took her down the road she had always wanted to travel; the road she had been on her entire life, without a steering wheel. Tales of a Lion is the memoir of a native New Yorker struggling to overcome anger and resentment stemming from the events of her early childhood. It is the story of a lion’s self examination of a life spent roaring in search of inner peace; and in the end provides an answer to the question: Does a lion always have to roar?

Ellen Cumbess, author of Tales of a Lion

Co-op Advertising for Self-Publishing Authors in Publishers Weekly

Publishers Weekly reaches over 80,000 booksellers, publishers, public and academic librarians, wholesalers, distributors, agents, and writers in addition to more than 360,000 unique monthly website visitors with a color ad in the “most visible and trusted publication to market your products and services.”

You can reach this influential readership with a Co-Op advertisement.

Outskirts Press can handle all of the details for you.

Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2″ space along with other titles within a full-color ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book. All books will include retail and wholesale ordering information.

Here’s an example of a full-color author co-op ad that appeared in Publishers Weekly:

To get more information and reserve your space in the next Publishers Weekly Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your Publishing Center. Reservations are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.
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Two Ways Barnes & Noble Can Help You Sell Your Self-Published Book

Two Ways Barnes & Noble Can Help You Sell Your Self-Published Book

Barnes & Noble is one of the most powerful booksellers in the country. Even with the popularity of Amazon, many readers still turn to Barnes & Noble for their book purchasing needs. As a self-published author, understanding the options available through Barnes & Noble (and the expectations of their customers) can help improve your book sales. Here are two ways Barnes & Noble can help you sell your self-published book.

1) Barnes & Noble Nook: E-readers are changing the way customers buy and read books, and their popularity is expected to grow as the holidays approach. You can expect many people to receive an e-reader as a holiday gift, which means they will be purchasing e-books. (This is in addition to all the readers who already buy and read e-books.) Since Nook editions are optimally submitted in a special format, be sure to check out the Outskirts Press Nook Format option, which makes it as easy as possible to publish a professionally-formatted Nook edition (yes, you still keep 100% of your rights).

2) Barnes & Noble Look Inside: This feature allows readers to get a sneak peek at the pages inside your book. It is the modern-day equivalent of a reader browsing through a bookstore, picking your book off the shelf, and flipping through the pages. It has been suggested that authors who take advantage of this feature have higher sales rates than those who do not.

By self-publishing with Outskirts Press, you can take advantage of these great options as well as many others.

Begin your exciting book publishing experience today at Outskirts Press with just a $35 down-payment by clicking here and then get ready to maximize your book sales on sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble when you are published. We’ll help you all the way!


Maximize your book sales with a free AMAZON EXTREME Marketing Package today.
Are you ready to jump-start your marketing efforts with a free Amazon marketing package worth over $300?

The Amazon Extreme Marketing Package from Outskirts Press offers self-publishing authors a head start on book marketing by taking triple advantage of the immense audience of, the largest online retailer in the United States. The package includes:

• an Amazon Kindle edition of your book
• Amazon’s Search Inside the Book feature
• Amazon Keyword Search tagging service
• A free book – “Sell Your Book on Amazon”

These valuable, popular options are free for authors who start self-publishing in October.

Start today with the promotion code below when you choose to publish with our industry-leading Diamond publishing service or our full-color Pearl publishing service to receive the FREE Amazon Extreme Marketing Package. Don’t delay!

Promo code: FreeAEOct2012


Click to order the Diamond Package
Click to order the Pearl Package
“This is my 4th novel with you guys. What I really appreciate is your patience with a guy that is computer illiterate, but who has a passion to write. Maybe one of these days I’ll submit one that really takes off. If so, I think I’ll fly up there and take you all out to dinner. Thanks so much for your encouragement.”

Dan Price is a retired school teacher and the father of two sons. He lives in Houston, Texas.

Dan Price , author of How a Cockroach Saved a Deadman

Why Even Great Writers Are Stymied by Internet Marketing

If you’re marketing a book through Amazon, you know that compelling marketing copy on your Amazon sales page is vital to capturing the imaginations of prospective book buyers. However, writing to appeal to calculating, non-human, Internet search engines is far more complex than artfully crafting frilly paragraphs. Search engines simply don’t react emotionally to riveting copy; they use complex algorithms to discover and index relevant content, and then present that content to humans who search for it on the Internet.

Amazon Listing Optimization by Outskirts Press is designed to tailor Amazon sales pages to both human tastes and those confusing search engine algorithms.

As an author, you’ve mastered the art of colorful, descriptive writing. You know just what to say to paint a vivid image in a reader’s mind. However, writing to sell and to attract potential book buyers via Internet search engines is a different animal entirely. It may be unfair, but when it comes to Internet marketing, it’s simply not enough to be a fantastic writer. To channel readers to your page and get them to follow through with a purchase, online copy must balance a number of vital components:

  • Relevant keywords and key phrases that get the page indexed appropriately by search engines such as Google or Yahoo! so that more potential buyers are directed to your sales page.
  • Correct keyword-to-content ratio. Too few keywords and your page won’t turn up in readers’ searches; too many – a technique called “keyword stuffing” – and your page could be rejected entirely by search engines and virtually invisible to book buyers!
  • Technically well-written text with spot-on grammar and punctuation.
  • Enticing language that Instantly grabs readers and compels them to continue reading.
  • Accurate representation of your book.
  • The power to convince potential buyers to make the leap from simply reading the sales page to making a purchase.
  • All the information a buyer needs to follow through with a purchase.
  • Information in an arrangement that makes it convenient and easy for buyers to act on the impulse to buy.
  • Content that is regularly refreshed to give your sales page a renewed bump up the search engine results page (SERP). It’s not sufficient to just write killer sales copy and leave it up in perpetuity; new content must be posted periodically to prevent the page from slowly dropping off the SERP.

In addition to all of these components, it’s also important that the content is produced with the product’s category or industry in mind – in this case, self-publishing — as well as the genre to which the self-published book belongs (fiction, nonfiction, self-help, reference, etc.). It’s enough to make your head spin!

Fortunately, Outskirts Press is uniquely positioned to fulfill all these requirements of Internet marketing copy through a new Amazon Listing Optimization service. As experts in the publishing industry, our staff understands what entices readers to buy. Additionally, our staff of professional marketers includes writers trained in SEO writing techniques, allowing us to improve how your sales page performs in Internet searches and attract more readers to your sales page.

We realize many of our authors, as talented as they are, may not have had the opportunity to train in marketing or SEO copywriting. Our Amazon Listing Optimization allows you to apply our expertise in these disciplines inexpensively and hassle-free, and reap the benefits: additional sales revenue.

Target Your Book Marketing Efforts with Co-op Advertising

We all know how important marketing is to the success of a self-published book. Part of achieving that efficacy is getting the most bank for the few bucks you have to spend on publicizing your works. One of the most vital elements of this is target marketing.

Bookmarks Magazine, a subscription magazine for lovers of literature, offers authors advertising that does just that. (You can purchase ad space conveniently through Outskirts Press.) Each full-color issue of Bookmarks includes a synopsis of a number of the latest and greatest literary works and is targeted specifically to avid readers looking for the next great tome. To date, Bookmarks has 40,000 subscribers.

Each ad page in Bookmarks spotlights several authors with a full-color book-cover image and synopsis, providing each author a cost-effective way to showcase his or her work before an appropriate and very specific audience. The magazine’s Co-op Advertising Program provides authors high-profile — and most importantly, inexpensive — ad space. It’s exceptional, targeted visibility at a fraction of the price of a full-page ad.

View samples of full-color Bookmarks Magazine ads on the Outskirts Press website.

Are you ready to get started?

Co-op Advertising for Self-Publishing Authors in ForeWord Reviews

ForeWord Reviews is delivered to librarians, booksellers, agents, and other industry professionals. Additionally, ForeWord is sent directly to small press buyers at the chains (Barnes&Noble, Borders, Chapters, Books-A-Million, etc). ABA’s Booksense also requests 500 copies of each issue for delivery direct to their members. ForeWord also is placed in the hands of agents and editors at larger houses, who may be looking for leads to bring into their fold from the small press sector. All told, the ForeWord circulation is approx 85% librarians, 12% bookstores, and 3% publishing professionals.

Now you can reach this influential readership
with a Co-Op advertisement.

Outskirts Press handles all the details for its authors.

Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2″ space along with other Outskirts Press titles within a full-color ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book. All books will include retail and wholesale ordering information.

Here’s the full-color author co-op ad appearing in the May/June issue of the ForeWord Reviews:

Outskirts Press ForeWord Reviews Co-op Ad


To get more information and reserve your space in a ForeWord Reviews Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your Publishing Center. Outskirts Press published authors can order this option conveniently at any time. Reservations for Outskirts Press published authors are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.
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Co-op Advertising for Self-Publishing Authors in the Boston Review

Boston Review is a magazine of ideas, independent and nonprofit. They cover lots of ground—politics, poetry, film, fiction, book reviews, and criticism. But a few premises tie it all together: that democracy depends on public discussion; that sometimes understanding means going deep; that vast inequalities are unjust; that human imagination breaks free from neat political categories; and that powerful images are worth piles of words.

Now you can reach this influential readership
with a Co-Op advertisement.

Outskirts Press handles all the details for its authors.

Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2″ space along with other Outskirts Press titles within a full-color ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book. All books will include retail and wholesale ordering information.

Here’s the full-color author co-op ad appearing
in the May/June issue of the Boston Review:

Outskirts Press Boston Review Co-op Ad


To get more information and reserve your space in a Boston Review Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your Publishing Center. Outskirts Press published authors can order this option conveniently at any time. Reservations for Outskirts Press published authors are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.
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Co-op Advertising for Self-Publishing Authors in Publishers Weekly Magazine

Publishers Weekly reaches over 80,000 booksellers, publishers, public and academic librarians, wholesalers, distributors, agents, and writers in addition to more than 360,000 unique monthly website visitors.


Now you can reach this influential readership
with a Co-Op advertisement.

Outskirts Press will handle all of the details.


Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2″ space along with other Outskirts Press titles within a full-color ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book.

Here’s an example of how the Outskirts Press full color author co-op ad appearing
in Publishers Weekly will look:



 To get more information and reserve your space in a Publishers Weekly Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your Publishing Center. Outskirts Press published authors can order this option conveniently at any time. Reservations for Outskirts Press published authors are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.


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Co-Op Advertising for Self Publishing Authors in the New York Review of Books – November

The New York Review of Books has been hailed by The New York Times as “the country’s most successful intellectual journal” and by Esquire Magazine as “the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language.” Started in 1963, the fortnightly magazine covers literature, culture and current affairs and has a circulation of over 130,000 readers, many of whom are the opinion leaders of contemporary literature.


Now you can reach this influential readership
with a Co-Op advertisement.

Outskirts Press handles all the details for its authors.


Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2″ space along with other Outskirts Press titles within a full-color ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book. All books will include retail and wholesale ordering information.

Here’s the Outskirts Press full color author co-op ad appearing
in the November 11th issue of the New York Review of Books:


To get more information and reserve your space in a New York Review of Books Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your author’s center. Outskirts Press published authors can order this option conveniently at any time. Reservations for Outskirts Press published authors are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.


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Co-Op Advertising for Self Publishing Authors in ForeWord Reviews Magazine – Sept/Oct Issue

ForeWord Reviews magazine is delivered to librarians, booksellers, agents, and other industry professionals. Additionally, ForeWord Reviews is sent directly to small press buyers at the chains (B&N, Borders, Chapters, Books-A-Million, etc). ABA’s Booksense also requests 500 copies of each issue for delivery direct to their members. ForeWord Reviews also is placed in the hands of agents and editors at larger houses, who may be looking for leads to bring into their fold from the small press sector. All told, the ForeWord Reviews circulation is approximately 85% librarians, 12% bookstores, and 3% publishing professionals.



Now you can reach this influential readership with a Co-Op advertisement.
Outskirts Press handles all the details for its authors.

Co-Op Advertising allows you to secure premium, full-color exposure for your book in a high-quality trade publication for a minimal amount of money. Your book will occupy a 2″ x 2.5″ space along with 11 other Outskirts Press titles within a full-color, full-page ad. Your ad space will include a full color cover image, an abbreviated synopsis, the ISBN, and retail price of the book. All books will include retail and wholesale ordering information.

Here’s the Outskirts Press full page, full color author co-op ad appearing
in the September/October issue of ForeWord Reviews:



To get more information and reserve your space in a ForeWord Reviews Co-Op Ad, sign-in to your author’s center. Outskirts Press published authors can order this option conveniently at any time. Reservations for Outskirts Press published authors are taken on a first-come first-served basis based upon receipt of payment.

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