One Click, Zero Worries: Worry-Free, All-Inclusive Publishing at the Click of a Mouse

You’ve slaved over your manuscript for months and finally you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It won’t be long before it’s off to the presses … right?

Wait! Have you hired a book editor yet? What about your book formatting — have you chosen a layout? Have you nailed down your cover design? What about your book marketing approach? There are so many tasks necessary to take your work from “manuscript” to “published book” to a successfully selling book … and for many, it’s overwhelming.

With a One-Click Publishing Suite from Outskirts Press, a single click of the mouse instantly pulls together everything needed to polish and format your manuscript, send it to print, get the word out and start selling. Even better, One-Click Publishing is designed to tailor distinct services to authors in a variety of book genres. While every package addresses the publishing and marketing needs of a specific genre, every One-Click self-publishing author can count on receiving dozens of priceless benefits:

  • Free author’s copies
  • Professional copy editing
  • Interior formatting
  • Custom cover design
  • ISBN and barcode
  • International Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and Betram wholesale distribution, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and 25,000 other retail locations
  • One-on-one author support
  • 5 hours of Personal Marketing Assistance
  • Author maintains 100% rights and copyright, and enjoys industry-leading profit margins
  • And many more publishing and marketing services and resources vital to success in your genre!

These full-service packages come preloaded with everything necessary to make your publishing dreams come true at an exceptional value. All you need to do is click the mouse and voila — you’re on your way to becoming a published author. Available genre-specific One-Click Packages include:

While our Ultimate Black and White and Full-Color packages can be enhanced with additional service purchase options for marketing and promotion, One-Click Publishing is truly all-inclusive. They are the only publishing bundles that automatically also include coveted marketing options such as Author Platform Set-up Through Social Media, Google Books Preview, Book Video Trailer, Amazon Author Profile, Amazon Listing Enhancement and much more.

By purchasing a One-Click option, you get peace of mind knowing that you are getting the publishing and marketing options that are essential for the genre you have chosen.


Would you like help choosing your best self-publishing option? Connect with Outskirts Press now in whatever manner is easiest for you:


Good Company: You’re Not Alone When You Publish with Outskirts Press

Whether you’ve published multiple books or are researching the possibilities, you have probably noticed just how many decisions there are to weigh in the creation of a successful book. Even with a complete draft manuscript in the bag, there’s still the cover design, editing, book formats and marketing to consider.

Since few people are experts on all—or even any one—of those aspects of self-publishing, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the unknowns and the pressure of making the right decision in the face of them.

Just know that when you publish with Outskirts Press, you’re never alone. We have teams of professionals with niche expertise to help you navigate every step in the process.

  • Ghostwriter. Should you need help crossing the finish line or heavily editing your rough draft, we can put you in touch with one of our trusted ghostwriting partners for one-on-assistance.
  • Production. Our production artists and tech gurus will ensure your book is properly formatted to your preferences and to the specifications of each selling platform. Once your book is perfect, our team will get it onto each platform so you can start selling.
  • Cover Designer. You can select a template-based book cover and tailor it to your needs. However, if you need or desire a level of customization that can’t be provided in a template, our talented cover designers will create an eye-catching cover that will give you a distinctive edge.
  • Editor. Our editors eat, breathe and sleep the written word. Their eagle eyes will catch errors and inconsistencies that are invisible to mere mortals.
  • Marketing Assistant. The modern marketing environment is complex, with virtual bookstores taking the selling process from the old-fashioned, one-on-one approach to techniques that reach all corners of the globe in an instant. Our marketing pros can help you use the tech tools available to you to level the playing field in the book marketplace.
  • Publishing Consultant. Helping you coordinate it all are your Publishing Consultant and Author Representative, knowledgeable advisors who are dedicated to you and your unique project.

Not sure where to start? Connect with your team! Reach out to an Outskirts Press Publishing Consultant at 1-888-672-6657 or via the live chat option on our website. You can even schedule a meeting directly with a Publishing Consultant via the following link – Schedule a Consultation.


Get Professional Writing Help With the Writing Consultation Option!

Every writer needs a jump-start at one time or another. If you’re struggling with certain aspects of your book or you’ve simply run out of steam, the Writing Consultation service from Outskirts Press may be just what you need to fine-tune your writing and get your book back on track. This is your ticket to becoming a published author!

In a Writing Consultation with one of our professional writers, you have a one-on-one brainstorming session to address the writing issues that have slowed your progress…or ground it to a halt. Our consultants are experienced writers with a thorough knowledge of grammar, composition, and other writing building blocks. You’ll also receive valuable advice and a plan of action for moving forward.

For $99 per one-hour block, you can use your Writing Consultation time to:

  • Troubleshoot plot, characters, technique, or execution of your ideas
  • Work through writer’s block
  • Take inventory of usable book materials
  • Organize book ideas into a usable outline
  • Get ideas on how to proceed with a book
  • Gather ideas on how to finish
  • Negotiate tricky passages
  • Ask for general writing advice
  • Get help moving to the next step in writing

Afterward, your writing consultant will provide a follow-up summary of your meeting, along with constructive information you can use to overcome personal writing obstacles and regain your forward momentum.

For more information and help choosing your best self-publishing options, contact an Outskirts Press Publishing Consultant in whatever manner is easiest for you:


One Click, Zero Worries: Worry-Free, All-Inclusive Publishing at the Click of a Mouse

You’ve slaved over your manuscript for months and finally you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It won’t be long before it’s off to the presses … right?

Wait! Have you hired a book editor yet? What about your book formatting — have you chosen a layout? Have you nailed down your cover design? What about your book marketing approach? There are so many tasks necessary to take your work from “manuscript” to “published book” to a successfully selling book … and for many, it’s overwhelming.

With a One-Click Publishing Suite from Outskirts Press, a single click of the mouse instantly pulls together everything needed to polish and format your manuscript, send it to print, get the word out and start selling. Even better, One-Click Publishing is designed to tailor distinct services to authors in a variety of book genres. While every package addresses the publishing and marketing needs of a specific genre, every One-Click self-publishing author can count on receiving dozens of priceless benefits:

  • Professional copy editing
  • Interior formatting
  • Custom cover design
  • ISBN and barcode
  • International Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and Bertram wholesale distribution, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and 25,000 other retail locations
  • One-on-one author support
  • 5 hours of Personal Marketing Assistance
  • Instant eligibility for the $1,500 Best Book of the Year Award and Grand Prize
  • Author maintains 100 percent rights and copyright, and enjoys industry-leading profit margins
  • Free author’s copies
  • And many more publishing and marketing services and resources vital to success in a chosen book genre!

These full-service packages come preloaded with everything necessary to make your publishing dreams come true at an exceptional value. All you need to do is click the mouse and voila — you’re on your way to becoming a published author. Available genre-specific One-Click Packages include:

While our Ultimate and Full-Color packages can be enhanced with additional service purchase options for marketing and promotion, One-Click Publishing is truly all-inclusive. They are the only publishing bundles that automatically also include coveted marketing options such as Author Platform Set-up Through Social Media, Google Books Preview, Book Video Trailer, Amazon Author Profile, Amazon Listing Enhancement and much more.

By purchasing a One-Click option, you get peace of mind knowing that you are getting the publishing and marketing options that are essential for the genre you have chosen. Would you like help choosing your best self-publishing option? Connect with Outskirts Press now in whatever manner is easiest for you:

5 Important Reasons to Consider a Custom Cover Design

Book covers are all about expressing the essence of your book’s content, and doing so in a common language shared with your ideal readers. And your future readers are smart. They’ve been reading a long time, and they know the visual cues that indicate a book’s atmosphere, or aesthetic. A good book cover is more than just the sum of its parts, isn’t it? There’s something to the way the parts are put together visually that matters. That matters a great deal. Because when push comes to shove, readers really do judge a book by its cover, and they pull out their wallets accordingly.

Making covers is hard, and not everyone has an eye (or software program) to make a brilliant, eye-catching, solidly designed cover. The critical components to an eye-catching cover don’t come naturally to most of us. But if you find yourself in this situation, we have good news! There are some incredible resources and services out there to assist you when you’ve reached the end of your skill set. The key is to know your strengths and to be realistic about your strengths, and to accept help when you really need it.

Still looking for more reasons to select a professionally designed custom cover for your book? Think on these five, for starters:

  1. Authority — Professionally created covers subconsciously cue readers in on the fact that the same level of care which was put into a book’s cover art was also taken in crafting its content. They speak to your professionalism and credibility as an author and to the quality of your work. A smart, eye-catching cover can elevate an entire book to a new level of appeal!
  2. Visibility — While you may spend months or even years honing your work, if no one picks up or views a copy, all the fine content and time spent won’t matter. Any cover that gets a potential book buyer to slow down while scrolling through a web listing or while browsing bookstore shelves greatly increases the odds that readers will investigate further. This simple pause translates directly into book sales.
  3. Messaging — A book’s cover art instantly cues potential book buyers into whether or not it holds interest for them by giving away clues to its content and tone. Have you ever noticed how many science fiction books share the same title font? Or how contemporary young adult literature has a tendency to a certain, bright color palette? Each genre and publishing category has its own set of visual cues that form a kind of shorthand for readers. For some readers, this messaging is the most important aspect of the book shopping experience.
  4. Targeting — It’s not enough to have a pretty package; that package has to reel in the right people … all the way to the cash register! For example, a book that targets women aged 18-34 will feature cover art far different from the cover of a book intended for retired men. A professional book cover designer is trained to craft artwork that appeals specifically to the people your content is meant to entertain or inform. If the cover resonates with readers on an emotional level they’ll be more likely to buy.
  5. Marketability — The previous four advantages of a professional book cover all add up to a total package that is more marketable and infinitely more likely to sell than either a beautiful cover or compelling content can do on its own. A book is more than the sum of its parts, but the sum total really and absolutely matters!

Just as readers choose books by their covers, so a custom cover is important to the success of your book and worth factoring into your publishing budget. Do you need a little help navigating your options and choosing the best ones for you? Talk with a Publishing Consultant to get exactly what you need — and get the most out of it! There are three convenient ways to connect:

  1. Call us at 1-888-672-6657 (OP-BOOKS)
  2. Live-chat with us via our website
  3. Go online to schedule an appointment

Every Writer Needs Help From Time to Time

Every writer can use help from a fellow professional from time to time. Whether you need help getting started, are struggling with certain aspects of your book, or are running out of a steam, getting advice from another professional writer can be just the help you need. Whether you’re a novice writer or seasoned pro, consider the Writing Consultation service from Outskirts Press to fine-tune your writing and get your book back on track.

The writing process can be very difficult, but we want to see you succeed. Writing Consultation services are designed to help writers do just that!

In a Writing Consultation with one of our professional writers, you have a one-on-one brainstorming session to address the writing issues that have slowed your progress. Our consultants are experienced writers with a thorough knowledge of grammar, composition, and other writing building blocks. You’ll also receive valuable advice and a plan of action for moving forward.

For $99 per one-hour block, you can use your Writing Consultation time to:

  • Troubleshoot plot, characters, technique, or execution of your ideas
  • Work through writer’s block
  • Take inventory of usable book materials
  • Organize book ideas into a usable outline
  • Get ideas on how to proceed with a book
  • Gather ideas on how to finish
  • Negotiate tricky passages
  • Ask for general writing advice
  • Get help moving to the next step in writing

Afterward, your writing consultant will provide a follow-up summary of your meeting, along with constructive information you can use to overcome personal writing obstacles and regain your forward momentum.

For more information, visit us online at, call 1-888-OPBOOKS, or chat with us live via our website.

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Gift the Gift of Words This Holiday Season!

Have you ever thought about giving books as presents? If you’re an American, chances are that you have. Studies show that Americans just love giving books at Christmas, with 58% of people reporting that they plan on doing so. But that’s not all! Americans love receiving books even more than they love giving them! And Outskirts Press is there to help you make good on your gift-giving dreams as well as your dreams of becoming a children’s book author with its Personalized Children’s Book services for boys and girls!

When you purchase a Personalized Children’s Book, you will become a children’s book author in under 30 days! Even by self-publishing standards, that’s lightning-fast. But this service comes with an extra benefit: you can personalize it to feature the names of children you know.

All you need to do is decide if you’re creating a book for a boy or a girl and start plugging in your preferences. There are three illustration sets to choose from, including several options that celebrate the rich diversity of our authors and readers, and you will also have the option of deciding your book’s title and byline. You also decide the main character’s name, the character’s friend’s name, and the name of a cute little puppy which romps through the narrative at their sides. For only $49, we will make this book the kind of personal memento which best encapsulates your love for the children in your life, and which they will treasure and enjoy for many years to come.

There’s even an option to pay an additional amount to have us publish your book and distribute it with online retailers! That’s right, if you upgrade this book with the “Publish It” option, we will list your book online for others to buy and pay you royalties when they do.

There’s joy to be found in giving a personalized children’s book to someone you know. During the holiday season, a little joy is just what the doctor ordered.

Do you need a little help navigating your options and choosing the best ones for you? Talk with a Publishing Consultant to get exactly what you need – and get the most out of it! There are three convenient ways to connect:

  1. Call us at 1-888-672-6657 (OP-BOOKS)
  2. Live-chat with us via our website
  3. Go online to schedule an appointment
Learn More

This Earth Day, consider Eco Friendly Book Publishing with Outskirts Press!

On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day by honoring our planet and raising awareness about pollution and the depletion of natural resources. If you’re a self-publishing author who is also concerned about environmental issues, you can rest easy joining the Earth Day movement by publishing with Outskirts Press.


Well, at Outskirts Press, we don’t print thousands of copies the moment an author releases a book, leaving unsold copies to be tossed out with the trash. With print-on-demand, our books are printed only when they are ordered, one at a time, saving paper and energy. Further, many of our books are printed on recycled paper.

We also offer Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad/iPhone e-book editions, and digital download e-books for authors who want to reach even more readers — without the need for chopping down more trees.

Converting your book to an electronic edition is easy, and it helps you reach a large group of readers who won’t have access to your book if it’s only in print form. If you want your book to reach as many readers as possible, it makes sense (for you and the planet!) to release it in multiple formats. More formats mean more exposure, and more exposure translates to more success for you!

Mother Earth will be grateful for your decision to go digital. E-books save paper, and they can be easily updated or modified without having to scrap hundreds of copies of a print version.

This Earth Day, join the millions of authors that have their books digitally published!

To learn more about self-publishing with Outskirts Press, call us at 1-888-672-6657 to speak with a Publishing Consultant or visit our website at to chat with a member of our staff via the live chat option.

View Publishing Services

Make Smart Use of Smartphones by Adding a QR Code to Your Book!

Let’s face it, we live in an increasingly mobile society. If you take a moment to gaze up from your own smartphone in a crowded room, you’ll see most people are absorbed in their screens–checking up on social media, reading some news headline or maybe even just shamelessly taking a selfie. Why not take advantage of the ubiquity of smartphones by putting a path to your book everywhere they are?

That image right there is no Rorschach test, it’s a QR code, and with a quick scan of that on the back cover or inside your book, voila—readers and potential readers can navigate instantly to your website or other web address of your choice. This is a fantastic way to lead current fans to your site for news, or for new book buyers to make on-the-spot smartphone purchases while you’re still fresh in their minds.
With a QR code, you get some pretty nifty advantages toward the marketing of your book, as this provides a quick and easy way to get readers to your website–or any webpage you want them to land on. It also encourages an active engagement with you and your fan base, which you can monitor via your website and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly. Lastly, you have a cost-effective marketing tool to add to your arsenal! It’s a win-win-win!

How do you get one of these newly offered QR codes? First off, you must be logged in to your Publishing Center and have purchased a publishing package with Outskirts Press. Your Publishing Consultant can help you to add this option to your book. To learn more about adding a QR Code to your book, click here. If you have any questions, your Publishing Consultant or Author Representative can help.

Corporations, publications and sellers worldwide use QR Codes effectively in their marketing every day. Level the playing field by putting this powerful technology to work for your book!

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