Amazon Featured Book of the Week

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Too Late The Homecoming: A Gambler’s Love Story

by Fred Preiss

(5 Stars – 2 Customer Reviews)

Price: $19.95

Fred Preiss’s “Too Late The Homecoming: A Gambler’s Love Story.” A powerful romantic adventure about a Las Vegas gambler who after twenty-five years, suddenly has doubts about his life in the fast lane, and decides to return to his hometown in Pennsylvania, after three failed marriages, to see if he can make a new life for himself. But his plans go awry. In this complex portrait of opportunity and regret, the gambler unexpectedly finds true love.

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Amazon Featured Book of the Week

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by Patricia Gangi

(5 Stars – 6 Customer Reviews)

Price: $19.95

Patricia Gangi’s “Ruins.” While on an archaeological dig in Pella, Jordan, Cass Stevens, a biblical scholar, falls in love with Jed, the brilliant director of the dig. Cass recently lost her husband and infant daughter. She hates God but feels that she must forgive him in order to truly love again. But her passion for Jed threatens the “safe” life she’s built for herself, and to love Jed fully, she must forgive God for the tragedy that took her loved ones from her. Investigating an ancient monastery and trying to interpret the dusty archives lead her to request help from Jed as she discovers religious cover-ups and secret crimes. Will Jed help her to expose the corruption and redeem her?

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!

A Most Daunting Time

by Robert Roach

Price: $17.95

Robert Roach’s “A Most Daunting Time.” Fate has a way of evening out the odds. Melvyn and Sally settled in Kansas in 1919 and began farming and started a family. The Dust Bowl rendered them penniless. An aristocratic oil tycoon, Charles Clark, and his daughter lived quite well through these times. Little did both families know they would be brought together in unforeseen circumstances.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

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by Collette Nance

(4 Stars – 5 Customer Reviews)

Price: $10.95

Colette Nance’s “Bittersweet.” Rachel is an attorney whose entire life is filled with heartache after many failed relationships. She sheds her high moral standards and seeks total revenge — she sets out to hurt every man she comes in contact with.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!

Unconditional Letters of Love

by Alfred Sotomayor

Price: $19.95

Alfred Sotomayor’s “Unconditional Letters of Love” is a fascinating journey through a unique love story that gives one man and one woman a chance at a spiritual connection ordained in Heaven and experienced on Earth. Leonard Bach has always been proud by his German heritage, and dreams of finding a Christian girl with German blood to be his soul mate. However, Leonard finds himself enthralled by a dancer…and he wants to write a book about her. Thus begins an odyssey of love letters unlike any ever written before, as Leonard follows his soul mate, Julianna, all over the world, guided by her angels, his angels, and mystical forces.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!

Sandpiper Dreams

by Carol Leslie Bradley

(4 Stars – 3 Customer Reviews)

Price: $16.95

Carol Leslie Bradley’s “Sandpiper Dreams.” In the sequel to The Inheritance, we share the journey of love and painful loss of the beautiful Carlita Mendoza of Belize who evolves into a confident and intelligent woman. She breaks through the veil of sadness, abandonment and depression. This beautifully rendered romance novel is set against the exotic Belizean shoreline where the little sandpiper birds flutter along in life much like their human counterparts.

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Author Poll: Writer Maureen Doyle wants your help with her book price

Maureen Doyle is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press. And she wants your help deciding the price of her book.

Book Summary

A riveting historical novel about John Doyle of Wicklow County, Ireland and his journey from a life of destitution to love and freedom in Canada.

Many people are familiar with The Great Potato Famine that took place in Ireland during the mid-1800’s. But few know the intimate and personal hardships and challenges that so many faced in an attempt to flee their homeland.

Inspired by actual events and personal family history, this novel is a love story. Not the usual romantic love story between two people but a love story of a man that is so devoted to his family that he’s willing to take extraordinary risks for them. The reader is taken on a courageous journey from County Wicklow, Ireland to Camden, Ontario, Canada. A sweeping and powerful epic adventure, A Journey in Time begins in nineteenth century Shillelagh, Ireland.

At the onset of the epic disaster of the Great Potato Famine, John makes a promise to his dying father that he will leave Ireland, his destination the shores of Canada, his objective saving his family from starvation and disease.

He must make the wrenching decision to leave his family behind in an Irish workhouse built for the destitute not knowing how he is going to accomplish his goal of finding land in Canada and bringing his family to safe shores.

With profound determination and unswerving devotion to his family, John faces the future alone with grace and courage.

Share with him the loves of his life and the unforgettable individuals that make John’s journey possible in this epic story of love, compassion, courage and determination that brings to life crucial and little-known chapters in Irish and Canadian history.

About the Author

Maureen Doyle is a freelance writer and multimedia artist. She spent over two decades in teacher education and as an officer in the United States Army before turning to write fiction full-time. Journey in Time is based on a true story and discovered family history. She found the courage and determination of so many touching and inspirational. She loves to write and wanted her debut novel to be meaningful sharing with others the hardships and heartaches that so many endured. She lives on Lake Oconee in Georgia with her husband Ron and two labra-doodles, Maverick and Grace Helen.

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Author Poll: Writer Jack Hodges wants your help with his cover

Jack Hodges is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press. And he wants your help deciding his book cover.

Book Summary

A Lifelong Love Story

How do we define true love? What makes a marriage successful? In our modern age of mass media and instant gratification, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important. My Life with Honey Bear and Beyond is a lyrical, tender memoir celebrating fifty-two years of two people who shared deep trust and daily intimacy, who took seriously their vows to support one another for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. Take a journey of love with this remarkable couple, and learn what is truly important in a lasting partnership: acceptance, compassion, honesty, forgiveness. Be reminded that attraction is only one facet of a marriage, and that real love seeks the best for the loved one at all times, with no strings attached. Witness the transcendence and tragedy as Jack accepts the privilege and honor of caring for his wife during her harrowing cancer treatment, and experience with them the realization that death will part these devoted lovers. My Life with Honey Bear is a love letter to a marriage that serves as a testament to the ways in which people can commit to stand by one another, bring joy to one another, and enrich the lives of everyone they meet through their example of dedication, kindness, compassion, and bliss.

About the Author

Jack Hodges was born in Washington, DC on the eve of World War II. He had a 27-year career with AT&T, where he wrote Bell System practices for a number of devices. Jack currently lives in Anderson, South Carolina where he enjoys writing nonfiction essays about the lives of family members, visiting the local bookstore, and spending time with friends. He also enjoys playing video games, and occasionally target shooting. Jack and his late wife had two daughters and a son, fourteen grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!

Growing Up Ugly

by Fritzie von Jessen

(4.5 Stars – 2 Customer Reviews)

Price: $16.95

Fritzie von Jessen’s “Growing Up Ugly.” When eighteen-year-old Orchid Faye leaves her childhood home behind, she takes with her the baggage of a negative self-image imposed upon her by a  narcissistic mother. Determined to prove her value as a person and escape her mother’s influence, she heads for New York City where she believes the “impossible is possible.” When she meets the divorced Sam LeVine, a handsome and charismatic businessman, Orchid believes she has found true love but also long-buried secrets.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!

Galway Romance

by Thomas D. O’Hare

(4.5 Stars – 2 Customer Reviews)

Price: $23.95

Thomas D. O’Hare’s “Galway Romance.” Times are uncertain around the world in 1961 – the tension of the Cold War and the tragic conflict of the Vietnam War has just started. There is a pervasive sense that time may be short. A young American soldier goes to Dublin and meets Mary, a beautiful woman who shares a dance with the young soldier. In each other’s arms they waltz out the back door and surrender to the beauty of the moonlit Galway Bay.

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