Bologna Is Beautiful, and Profitable, in the Spring

Bologna Book Fair

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair has been the top event in the children’s publishing industry for nearly six decades. Approximately 30,000 visitors from about 80 countries flock to Italy yearly to see the latest and greatest in children’s books. These are influential visitors too—from booksellers to librarians to teachers, all perusing the offerings of exhibiting publishers.

While Outskirts Press is busy publicizing our children’s book authors and illustrators at this year’s fair on March 21–24, you can start planning to be part of next year’s. For less than $600, you will receive:

  • Prominent, face-out display of your book with select other Outskirts Press titles
  • A representative on-site to personally answer questions and promote your book to interested attendees
  • Valuable industry leads
  • Inquiries forwarded directly to you for follow-up

Although the next show isn’t until 2023, you can purchase this service at any time to get a head start on your marketing efforts for 2023. What a great way to reach the world of children’s book buyers—all from the comfort of your couch!

Calling All Children’s Self-Publishing Authors: Is Your Book Eligible for Bologna?

Is your book right for Bologna?

Attending international book fairs personally is often cost-prohibitive for self-publishing writers when you factor in expenses such as airfare, hotel, food, and transportation. And those are just the costs of going international. Then there are the costs of the exhibit itself, like the exhibition fees, the exhibition stand, and the “giveaways” (often called “freebies” or “schwag.”)

But book fairs are also the place where self-published authors can “be discovered.” Outskirts Press helps its authors place their books at 5 international book fairs for a reasonable cost.

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair is the world’s leading book fair focusing solely on children’s publishing with a focus on the sale of rights and international co-productions. To increase your chances for success, your book must have full color illustrations inside the book to participate. Therefore, only our Pearl Full Color books are eligible.

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair occurs in April in Italy and hosts over 1,400 international exhibitors and may be instrumental in forging industry connections or negotiating agreements or licenses for your work.

When you order the Bologna Children’s Book Fair from the Marketing Options Screen of your Author’s Center, your book will receive valuable, face-out exposure on an exclusive shelf with other Outskirts Press titles and a representative will be on-hand to personally answer questions about your book. Outskirts Press will provide the necessary copies of the book and all the necessary contact information for both the author and publisher, so interested parties can make further contact, during or after the fair. All inquiries Outskirts Press receives about your book will be forwarded directly to you for personal follow-up.

If you are a published Children’s book author with Outskirts Press and interested in exhibiting your book with the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, you can register for this event conveniently from your author’s center Marketing Options screen. Space is limited and filled on a first-come, first served basis. Due to the specific requirements of Bologna, this event is not a part of our Global Book Tour package and must be registered for separately if you are interested.

The deadline for submitting your book to the book fair is this Friday, January 15, 2016.

Are you ready for Bologna?

It’s National Poetry Month! Celebrate by Using a Poetry Formatting Kit to Publish Your Own Book

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
It’s National Poetry Month –
What’s a self-publishing poet to do?

Celebrate, that’s what! Founded by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, National Poetry Month is held every April. Together, schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers and poets all across the country celebrate poetry and its vital place in American arts culture through a variety of events, from poetry readings to full-fledged festivals. It’s only fitting to choose this month as the time to contribute your own verses to the art of poetry – and it’s much easier than you might think!

With help from Outskirts Press, you have the power to quickly and easily publish a fully-formatted, professionally-designed volume of your works with our affordable and convenient Poetry Formatting Kit. Formatting elements like justification, centering, page spreads, margins, page numbering, graphical elements, and title drops – elements that can take a writer a great deal of time to set up – are done for you, allowing you to simply cut and paste your work into a pre-formatted document.
Each Poetry Formatting Kit comes with two document files:

Use the “Easy” file …

  • as building blocks to add more pages
  • move poems around
  • add or replace included graphics
  • further customize your book however you want

Or use the “Easier” file …

  • to simply cut and paste up to 30 poems directly into the file
  • add each respective title above each of your poems
  • accommodate a wide variety of poetry lengths

When you’re ready to publish your book of poetry, you will have a beautiful, professionally-formatted and print-ready manuscript (in 6×9 trim) to submit as-is for high-quality black/white printing.

Are you ready to get started with the Poetry Formatting Kit?

Write for a Cause: Get Exposure – and Benefit a Worthy Charity — with Fandemonium Volume 5

Outskirts Press is now accepting submissions from its Facebook fans of short literary works to be included in Fandemonium Volume 5, now through April 30.

Fandemonium has become an anticipated annual tradition for the self-publishing community. This unique crowdsourcing effort is not only a collection of superior writing from the Outskirts Press Facebook community, but the profits also provide much-needed funding to a worthy cause. So, once again, Outskirts Press is calling out to that community online for contributions of short literary works for the annual Fandemonium anthology, slated to hit the bookshelves this summer.

The annual Fandemonium compilation includes a variety of literary works: short stories, poetry and other short-form literary works submitted by fans of the Outskirts Press Facebook page. Over the past four years, Fandemonium has brought Outskirts Press Facebook members together to experience the joy of publishing first-hand, while benefiting a great cause. Proceeds from the sale of the 2015 Fandemonium collection will be donated to a charity of choice on behalf of Outskirts Press and its Facebook fans. The American Red Cross will receive the proceeds from the sale of the Fandemonium Volume 5 anthology.

Members of the Outskirts Press Facebook community can submit poetry, short stories, excerpts, recipes or anecdotes for free publication – you’re limited only by your imagination! Submissions can be fiction, non-fiction or poetry, though entries of fewer than 5,000 words will be considered first. Getting published in the Facebook Fandemonium is simple:

  • Submit your entry as a comment on our Facebook Page before April 30th.
  • Encourage your Facebook friends to “like” your entry by visiting our Facebook page.
  • You can also “share” your post with your Facebook friends to encourage more “likes.”

Submissions with the highest number of likes will be considered for inclusion in Fandemonium Volume 5.

Ready to self-publish your creative work?


Every author wants to make the best first impression with his or her cover. An exclusive custom cover, designed specifically for your book, is probably the single most important element in making that striking first impression.

If your book doesn’t stand out, it may never be picked up!

A Custom Cover Design not only gives authors a far greater chance for an immediately favorable response to their books, it also helps convey a sense of the style, tone and content inside, and that too has an immediate effect on potential buyers.

This option is normally $499 but if you start today it’s FREE! Just enter the promotion code COVERAPR15 when checking out of your shopping cart while purchasing the popular Diamond package or the full color Pearl publishing package by April 30, 2015.

Click to order the Diamond Package
Click to order the Pearl Package

“I was very impressed with the speed in which my first book was published (just 8-1/2 weeks from submission to publication). The additional charge for expedited service was a sound investment. Even more amazing was the quality of the books themselves and the imaginative custom cover design! I will definitely choose Outskirts Press to publish my second book.”

Vickie McGillis is a native of Winona, Minnesota. Although this is her debut novel, she is a seasoned, award-winning published poet, as well as a longtime supporter of animal rights groups. Vickie and her wonderfully-supportive husband still reside in the Winona area, along with their rescued four-legged companions.

Katie Munson was a struggling, poor young mother with four small children. At just 22 years of age, and freshly divorced, Katie had relocated her young family to their new home in a small rural town in southeastern Minnesota. In the comfort of her new surroundings, Katie presumed that she, along with her son and three baby girls, were safe from harm’s way. She believed they had escaped the iniquity from her past and were free to begin a renewed and happy life together. While Katie prepared for the toddler’s birthday party, nothing could have prepared her for the unforeseeable winter storm that was blowing in her direction, or the unspeakable terror that accompanied it. This particular day would prove to be just the beginning of a perpetual, formidable journey for Katie and her young family in their pursuit of peace and happiness.
– Vickie McGillis, author of Detours to the Good Stuff

It’s That Time of Year Again — Time for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair!

Bologna Children's Book FairAh, spring! A time of renewal and growth — and new and enriching books. The Bologna Children’s Book Fair takes place March 30 through April 2, highlighting the best of both self-publishing and traditional books for young readers.

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair has been at the forefront for publishing insiders since it’s inception in 1963, presenting valuable opportunities for authors, publishers, illustrators and readers to mix, lBologna Children's Book Fair Logoearn about industry trends and, of course, bring awareness to their own products. Bologna is famous for spotlighting children’s publishing with a focus on the sale of rights and international co-productions. Outskirts Press is always well-represented at this event — and a number of other international book fairs and domestic events — throughout the year, so we’re following this exciting event closely again in 2015.

You, too, can keep up with the goings on a the fair by visiting the Bologna Children’s Book Fair on Facebook or checking them out on Instagram. Or stay tuned right here for news specific to Outskirts Press!

If you are a published children’s book author with Outskirts Press and interested in exhibiting your book with the Bologna Children’s Book Fair next year, you can register for this event conveniently from your author’s center Marketing Options screen. Space is limited and filled on a first-come, first served basis. Remember: Due to the specific requirements of Bologna, this event is not a part of our Global Book Tour package and must be registered for separately if you are interested.

Ready to publish your children’s book? Let’s talk …

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