Make Your Own Reading Luck with Our Top 10 Irish-Themed Books for St. Patrick’s Day

On this St. Patrick’s Day, celebrate the Irish with a self-published book that explores the culture and history of the Emerald Isle. From historical non-fictions about the Irish immigrants in America to children’s books centered around fairy tales and Irish legends, there’s a wee bit of something rich for anyone and everyone’s reading pleasure. So tip a glass and revel in our Top 10 Irish-themed books. Sláinte!

In alphabetical order, the Top 10 Irish-themed self-published books for St. Patrick’s Day are:

Charles Dickens and the Irish Fairy King Plot
A Child's Heart


Dos Gringos

Help Me, I'm Irish!
The Mighty McCords

All of these books (and other Outskirts Press titles) are available from all major online retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powells, Books A Million, and others, plus conveniently from the Outskirts Press Direct bookstore at for discounts ranging from 10% – 55%.

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