4 Tips for Effectively Using a Custom Press Release to Market Your Book

Most self-published authors already recognize the value in publicizing their new release, and they do it in a variety of ways: social media, launch parties … and the all-important official press release. But, while self-publishing authors are savvy about the usefulness of PRs during a book launch, too often they forget that a press release can be a quick and effective tool to get your book some attention — and a much-needed boost in sales — any time of the year. It’s all in how you use it.Press Releases

As an independent author, you’ll experience a number of important benchmarks that newspaper, TV, radio and other news outlets may be interested in passing along to potential readers. Each press release you put out represents an opportunity for you to highlight what’s so special about your book, and get yourself and your book new moments in the spotlight. So, when is it a good time for a new press release? Here are some helpful tips on using a press release to focus renewed attention for your book:

  1. Use your release to tout good reviews. Are you getting raves on Amazon.com, NOOK or another bookseller’s site? Release a statement to make the media aware that your book is getting positive attention from other publications. This could renew media interest in booking author interviews.
  2. Make special offers. Are you planning a sale or dropping the price of your book? Got a good two-for-one going on? Send out a press release to get the word out.
  3. Announce your new website. Consider your new book and your new author platform separate issues/entities. Once your website or author page is up and running, send out a new release or update your original PR with your website link to make it easier for editors to find you and follow up.
  4. Announce new or enhanced versions of your book. Perhaps you’ve updated your cover or contents, or you’ve added special eBook extra features to your book. This is an idea situation for a new press release.

Remember, a Custom Press Release from Outskirts Press is an extremely affordable, effective way to market your book, and target your efforts toward local and relevant media outlets and readers.

Have you hit an important milestone in your self-publishing journey? Outskirts Press will help you get the word out nationwide with a targeted, professionally produced press release.

Order Your Press Release Today!

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