Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Self-Publishing Authors

How would you like some acknowledgment for all your hard work self-publishing? The best path to success in writing is to become an award-winning author. Don’t delay in submitting your work with the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. This is your chance to gain notoriety and instant mass exposure. Your book needs to have a copyright of 2013-2014 and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you don’t want to miss!

So what do you get when you win?

  1. Cold, Hard Cash! – Win up to $1,500 to the best Fiction and Non-Fiction books. $750 to the second best Fiction and Non-Fiction books. $500 to the third best Fiction and Non-Fiction books. $100 to the winner of each of the 60 categories.
  2. Award-Winning Author Recognition – Each winner/finalist will be able to promote themselves and their book as an award-winning author and award-winning book. We make it easy by offering authors many options to enhance your book covers and online presence upon winning an award.
  3. A listing in the 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Catalog which will be distributed to thousands of book buyers, media, and others!
  4. An invitation to attend the Gala Awards Ceremony at a world famous landmark in New York City.
  5. The top 60 books will be reviewed by New York literary agent Marilyn Allen of Allen O’Shea Literary Agency for possible representation in areas such as distribution, foreign rights, film rights, and other rights. Ms. Allen has over 25 years of sales and marketing experience, including serving as Senior Vice President, Associate Publisher, and Director of Marketing for Harper Collins and directing sales and marketing teams for Simon & Schuster, Penguin Books and Avon Books. Ms. Allen has worked with many best-selling authors including Stephen King, Ken Follett, Barbara Kingsolver, John Gray, Mary Higgins Clark, and many more.
  6. All Finalists for the 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards will be selected and notified by May 15, 2014 and Winners will be selected and notified before the end of May.

And, if you’re an Outskirts Press published author, the best (and easiest) part is: we can handle all of the submission details for you, including: sending a copy of your book to the judges, paying your award submission fee, and completing the entry forms for you. This all comes with our Indie Book Awards Submission option.

Click here for details or to reserve your spot now.

The registration deadline is Friday, January 24, 2014.

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Do You Have a (Self-Publishing) Dream? 5 Steps to Making Your Dream a Reality

Martin Luther King Jr. had many dreams that seemed lofty in the climate of his day. Step by step, many of them have come to pass. So, in honor of MLK’s dream, Outskirts Press would like to help self-publishing authors Outskirts Press Self-Publishing Servicesrealize their own dreams.

When you’re at the beginning of the self-publishing process, having an actual book in hand can seem unattainable. That’s because we all tend to view the finished project — which is a big deal — and fail to see all the little, completely doable tasks that make up the finished project. So, we’re here to tell you this: Dream small!

You’ve heard the expression, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Don’t think of the publishing journey as a single, thousand-mile trip. Think of the easy steps you can take to make that self-publishing journey:

  1. Write on schedule. Whether your goal is a daily one or a Sunday marathon while eveEbook Packageryone else in the house is watching football, regularity is your best friend. You don’t have to shoot for a massive page count, either; every small step you take gets you closer to the finish.
  2. Envision a finish line. Know what you’re working toward. Do you know how your book will progress and how it will end? If you don’t, write an outline, first and foremost. It doesn’t matter if you end up straying from your original vision. Just knowing there’s a path to follow will help you take that next step.
  3. Get your other “ducks” in a row. Start thinking about, and making arrangements for, elements of a published book besides the writing: cover art, formatting, interior illustrations, publicity, etc. Line up someone to create the book cover art, or draft a few ideas to give to your publisher; put your manuscript in the proper format; start pre-publicizing your book on your Facebook page and Twitter feed. All these things will need to be done sooner or later, but if you get a jump on them early, your book just seems more “real.” That visualization will motivate you to follow through on the writing and all the steps to self-publishing that follow.
  4. Publish/market on schedule. “Then End” isn’t really the end when it comes to self-publishing; it’s the beginning of a new phase of authorship — selling your book. Just as writing requires planning and discipline, so does the publishing and marketing processes. Set up a schedule of things you need to accomplish to get your book sold: contact the publisher, send in your manuscript, choose a cover, order hardcopies and electronic versions, send out custom press releases, put together a press kit, and contact the media (TV, radio, newspaper, book reviewers, etc.). Resolve to take one or more of these steps each week to get visibility (and added sales) for your book.
  5. Ask for help. Despite the name, self-publishing doesn’t have to be done in solitude — there’s Ghostwritingassistance for just about anything that stumps or overwhelms you. There are specialized artists who can create an eye-catching book cover, marketing experts with dozens of tricks up their sleeves to boost book sales, publishing insiders who can help you snag high-profile interviews — even professional ghostwriters to take your compelling plot and bring it to life!

Yes, publishing a book is a big dream, but the small steps you take to achieve that dream are very much in your power!

Do you have a self-publishing dream? Make your dreams come true — we’ll show you how!

Start Self-Publishing Now!