Galagamous: The Galactic Garbage Collector by Julia Irwin

Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. It takes is a little thinking outside the box and you can market a self-published book in creative, affordable and impactful ways. Consider book tours! Tours are a great way to connect with your readers and technology has made them easier and more cost effective than ever!

Author Julia Irwin is taking her latest book Galagamous: The Galactic Garbage Collector, on tour — a Virtual Book Tour with Outskirts Press. This will allow Julia to take her book into the far corners of the globe, all from the comfort of her own home! Keep an eye out for Julia’s book as she will be featured on several blogs over the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, Julia was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Galagamous: The Galactic Garbage Collector.

OP: Tell us a little bit about Galagamous:The Galactic Garbage Collector. What is it about?

Julia: Galagamous and Fizobot are two very relatable characters who touch on the universal theme of acceptance. Learning to be accepted by others and accepting of oneself. Despite being bullied, they take on a task that others have rejected. By doing so, their actions reflect the true heroes they have always been.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Julia: As a Psychiatrist, I have found that most individuals are receptive to learning lessons via stories. Often times, a simple story allows one to get in touch with their inner child. We are all touched by negative events that occur when we are young but these events do not have to dictate who we will become. It is our actions that will always define us. Actions reveal the core of who we really are.

OP: How did you get your book published?

Julia: I self-published through Outskirts Press currently.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Julia: Readers of all ages can learn life lessons from this book. I wrote it in such a way that adults can read it with children so that questions could be addressed aloud. It encourages interaction between the reader and listener.

OP: What is special about your book?

Julia: This book is special because of the way in-depth content regarding, emotions, differences, and choices, are discussed.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

Julia: This book is not preachy or negative. Instead it is positive, accepting and empowering.

OP: Have you published any other books?

Julia: No I have not.

OP: Do you plan to publish more?

Julia: Yes, in time.

OP: Thanks for your time, Julia! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


Julia Irwin is Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. She has a private solo practice and tends to the mental health needs of all ages.

For more information or to contact the author, visit

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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