March Brings Triple Bonus for Self-Publishing Authors

In a special March promotion, Outskirts Press authors are eligible to receive triple the number of free copies of their book when they purchase the Diamond or Pearl self-publishing packages.

The ultimate Diamond publishing package offers the greatest profit margin and the highest number of free options of any publisher. It includes an E-book edition, author webpage, and a customized cover, along with 10 free paperback copies of an author’s book upon publication—but during the March promotion, Outskirts is offering Diamond authors 30 free copies.

The full-color Pearl publishing package from Outskirts Press brings authors’ color interior publishing dreams to life. All Pearl books include standard interior color formatting, an ISBN number, a price-embedded barcode, and unlimited wholesale printing, fulfillment and distribution. And in March, Pearl authors can triple the standard number of paperbacks and bring home 15 free copies.

To receive the promotion, simply enter the promotion code MarchTriple16 when checking out of your shopping cart while purchasing the Diamond or Pearl publishing package or you can click here for more information.

Click to order the Diamond Package
Click to order the Pearl Package

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