Is It Better to Self-Publish or Get a Publisher?

If you are an aspiring author, you may have wondered: is it better to self-publish or get a publisher? This is a common question that many writers face when they want to share their work with the world. There are pros and cons to both options, but in this article, we will focus on why self-publishing may be a better choice for you.

Independent self-publishing is the process of publishing your book by yourself, without the involvement of a traditional publisher. You are responsible for everything from writing, editing, formatting, designing, printing, distributing, and marketing your book. You also get to keep all the rights and royalties from your book sales.

Getting a publisher is the process of finding an agent or a company that will accept your manuscript and publish it for you. They will take care of the editing, design, printing, distribution, and marketing of your book. They will also pay you an advance and a percentage of the royalties from your book sales. However, they will also have control over your book and its rights.

Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Control: Do you want to have complete control over your book, or are you willing to give up some control to a publisher?
  • Time: How much time are you willing to commit to the publishing process? Self-publishing can be a lot of work, and having a book traditionally published can take a long time.
  • Money: How much money are you willing to invest in the publishing process? Both options can be expensive, but for different reasons. Self-publishing can be expensive up front while traditional publishing can be expensive on the back-end, like for example, if you’re paying 15% of your earnings to an agent. Both options will have some marketing costs.
  • Goals: What are your goals for your book? Do you want to make money, or do you want to share your story with the world?

If you are willing to put in the time and effort (and absorb the learning curve), independently self-publishing your book by yourself can be a great way to get your book published. However, if you are looking for the support of a team of professionals and you are not interested in doing all of the work yourself, traditional publishing may be a better option for you.

A viable third option that more authors are choosing is using a full-service self-publishing company like Outskirts Press, which combines all the benefits of independent self-publishing with the convenience and expertise of traditional publishing.

So, which option is better for you? Here are some reasons why self-publishing may be a more successful and convenient (not to mention more likely) option for you than trying to get an agent or traditional publisher:

  • You have more creative freedom. When you self-publish, you can write whatever you want, however you want. You don’t have to follow any rules or guidelines from a publisher. You can choose your own genre, style, tone, length, title, cover, and content. You can also make changes or updates to your book anytime you want.
  • You have more control over your book. When you self-publish independently or with most self-publshing companies, you own all the rights to your book. You can decide how to price, distribute, and market your book. You can also choose which platforms and formats to publish your book on. You can publish your book as an ebook, paperback, hardcover, audiobook, or any combination of these. You can also sell your book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play, or any other online retailer. You can also create your own website or blog to promote your book. Independent self-publishing requires knowing how to do all of that yourself. Self-publishing with a self-publishing company requires having the budget to pay for the services you desire.
  • You have more potential income. When you self-publish, you keep all the profits from your book sales. You don’t have to share them with anyone else. You can set your own royalty rates. You can also earn more money from other sources such as ads, sponsorships, merchandising, or crowdfunding.
  • You have more flexibility and speed. When you self-publish, you can publish your book whenever you want. You don’t have to wait for months or years to get approval from an agent or a publisher. You can also publish as many books as you want in any quantity, frequency or order. You can publish a series of books in quick succession or publish standalone books in different genres or niches.
  • You have more chances of getting published. When you self-publish, you don’t have to face the rejection and competition that comes with getting a publisher. You don’t have to query hundreds of agents or publishers and hope that they will like your book enough to offer you a contract. You don’t have to worry about meeting their standards or expectations. You don’t have to deal with their feedback or criticism. You don’t have to compromise your vision or values for their sake.

No matter which option you choose, the most important thing is to write a great book. If you have a great book, you will have a better chance of success, whether you self-publish or get a publisher.

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