New York Times Features Outskirts Press Self-Publishing Author Gerhard Oberrsesl

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The New York Times Holiday Edition will feature Gerhard Oberrsesl self-publishing author of the mystery novel Edelweiss Castle: Death of an Interviewer. Edelweiss Castle brings readers through twists and turns as it follows a group of unique characters, one of whom is a ruthless murderer.

About the Author

Gerhard Oberressl loved to spin stories and write from his early schooldays. He learned quickly that a real writer must have life experience and the ability to understand how people tick; however, he had a wide range of interests beyond writing. He eventually went on to earn degrees in engineering, English, mathematics and computer science for Universities in Zurich, Pretoria and Linz. He worked in industrial management as a lecturer, and during his career, writing was always a part of his lectures. He always maintained a love of books and reading. Once retired, he dedicated himself to his first novel – a mystery of unexpected twists and surprising characters.

Edelweiss Castle: Death of an Interviewercover

The combination of greed and insane love can never end good, and in the case of Edelweiss Castle, the combination leads directly to murder. Etienne Friendly grew up in the servants’ quarters of Edelweiss Castle, so never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he’d grow up to train with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and then start an investigation firm in London. However, that’s exactly what he did, and never in his worst nightmares did he imagine he’d return to Edelweiss Castle to investigate a woman’s mysterious death. That is until one day a nobleman who was an advocate of sustainable development, gave an interview which triggered very strange events.

Edelweiss Castle: Death of an Interviewer is a modern-day murder mystery you can curl up with and be lost in for hours. The 500-year-old castle on top of the famous blue rock in Goodland is both the starting point and the destination of this sophisticated novel, which features many facets of human behavior and people of several countries and continents. Readers will live the events through the pages of this book and be prompted with a mystery from years ago that may be intertwined with the sudden death of the interviewer.

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