My Nana Was A Free-Range Kid by Nancy Peek-Youngdahl

Technology has made it easier than ever to reach wider audiences no matter where they are in the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box and you can market a self-published book in creative ways, affordably and impactfully. This is where book tours come in: Tours are a great way to connect with your readers and technology has made them easier and cheaper than ever!

Author Nancy Peek-Youngdahl is taking her latest book My Nana Was A Free-Range Kid, on tour — a Virtual Book Tour with Outskirts Press. What this means is that Nancy will get her book into the far corners of the globe, all from the comfort of home! Keep an eye out for Nancy’s book as she will be featured on several blogs over the weeks and months ahead so keep your eyes peeled to learn more about her and her book.

Luckily for us, Nancy was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of My Nana Was A Free Range Kid.

OP: Tell us a little bit about My Nana Was A Free Range Kid. What is it about?

Nancy: Nana’s outrageous childhood adventures as told by her great-granddaughter, Adalee.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Nancy: I wanted to keep stories alive throughout family generations.

OP: How did you get your book published?

Nancy: I self-published through Outskirts Press

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Nancy: All ages who enjoy humorous tales and especially children who love adventures, creative illustrations, and life-learning experiences.

OP: What is special about your book?

Nancy: This is a valuable children’s book which encourages respect of elders even if those old days were “weird.” It shows Adalee’s love for her great-grandmother and her contagious joy for the stories she shares with the reader. That joy brings such honor to our older generation. This book ties many lessons of what “not to do” and will surely hold imagination long beyond the last page.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

Nancy: This book contains real life adventures that also tell children what not to do to stay safe.

OP: Have you published any other books?

Nancy: Yes, I published an Autobiography entitled A Peek Into My Life.

OP: Do you plan to publish more?

Nancy: Yes. I have written three other children’s books about a Chickadee Bird named “Joe.” I have also created several watercolor illustrations for these books which I hope to have published. I would also like to write a fictional book about true life adventures which were journaled by an ancestor who lived in the late 1800’s.

OP: Thanks for your time, Nancy! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


Nancy Peek Youngdahl is an artist, crafter of jewelry, a soap maker, writer, and avid golfer. She loves to travel with her husband, Skip, and between them, they have six adult children, fourteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Nancy has been a schoolboard chairman and an art teacher, and she has a passion for genealogy, tracing her ancestors back thirteen generations to the late 1600s when they lived in Virginia. My Nana Was A Free-Range Kid is her second book; the first is an autobiography of Nancy’s family history.

For more information or to contact the author, visit

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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