This Week’s Amazon Featured Book of the Week is Karate: Road to a Black Belt: How to be Successful in Martial Arts by Jerry E. Pyne

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Karate: Road to a Black Belt by Jerry E. Pyne

(5 out of 5 Stars -13 Customer Reviews)   

Price: $16.95

Perfect for those starting anew, starting over, or wanting to improve their training, Karate, Road to a Black Belt: How to Be Successful in Martial Arts identifies mental and physical hurdles when training and prepares you to succeed before challenges can cause you to stumble. Learn how to set personal goals and succeed in the ultimate goal of achieving your Black Belt.

It is said, “If certain things were easy, everyone would do them.” When finished with this book-and then with earning your Black Belt-you will say, “If it were this much fun for everyone, then everyone would do it.”

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