This Week’s Amazon Featured Book of the Week is In Spite of It All by Constance Bierkan

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In Spite of It All

by Constance Bierkan

(5 out of 5 Stars – 6 Customer Reviews)

Price: $25.95

In Spite of It All spans the parallel stories of two women: New Yorker, Claire Fitzgerald, who has yet to realize her strengths, and Frenchwoman Madeleine de Beaulieu, whose impetuousness will lead her astray. It’s 1945 and the war in Europe is winding down. As each woman embarks upon her quest for happiness, neither can anticipate the collision course she is on in this compelling story. And as events unfold under a shadow of secrecy during the Allies’ discovery of Hitler’s propaganda art hidden in the Kaiserode Mine, a twist of fate will cause these women’s lives to be changed immeasurably.
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