Celebrate the New Year with 22% Off Self-Publishing

Celebrate the New Year with 22% Off Self-Publishing Outskirts Press

The wrapping paper has been torn off—and this is the perfect self-publishing gift for yourself. Among the many benefits both publishing packages offer, you’ll receive:

  • A free customizable cover, the number one thing that gets readers to buy
  • A publishing team to answer all your questions and make sure everything that needs doing is done—on time
  • Worldwide distribution and availability at over 25,000 retailers

This deal even includes a stocking stuffer: we will also publish and distribute an Amazon Kindle eBook Edition of your book for free.

Keep your resolution to publish this year. Just use promo code newyearsv when ordering your package right now! This offer expires on January 7th! Don’t let your New Year’s resolutions, or this offer, pass you by!

Connect with a Publishing Consultant today to learn how Outskirts Press can help you publish your masterpiece:

  • Call 1-888-672-6657

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