How to Get the Most out of Amazon

Everyone knows that in order to successfully market and sell a self-published book nowadays, you have to leverage Amazon. But there are so many different ways to utilize all that Amazon has to offer the independent author, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Well, worry no more! Today we’re going to discuss some of the easiest, quickest, and most effective tactics you can pursue (or have a Personal Marketing Assistant pursue for you) in order to get the most out of Amazon.

Your product detail page, or sales page, is the page on Amazon that features your book, its cover image, and its marketing copy. Your author photo and biography may also be displayed here, especially if you already have an Author Page. If you don’t, make sure to create one at or Outskirts Press can do this for you at Once you have an Author Page, your biography (and your author photo if you upload one) will appear on all your product detail pages.

Make sure your product detail page is as complete, compelling, and comprehensive as you can. This means making sure your cover image is uploaded and that you have “Look Inside” active on your book. You can personally sign-up for Look Inside from Amazon here or Outskirts Press can do this for you at

Next, make sure all your different formats are “connected” so that different “Buy” tabs show prospective readers your different editions. You can “connect” them from your Author Page (see above about getting one), or from your Amazon Author Central account. The best formats to have available, in addition to the paperback, of course, is a Kindle e-book edition and an Audio book. If you don’t have either or both of these additional important formats, Outskirts Press can publish and distribute these additional formats for you at and, respectively.

Now that the important logistic steps are taken care of, the next step is educating yourself on all the opportunities Amazon offers self-publishing authors. Fortunately, we’ve made this easy for you, too, by creating the following white papers and tip sheets on the following Amazon topics:

There you have it. Now, you are ready for your masterpiece to take Amazon by storm! Start publishing and marketing today with the A+ rated and #1-rated self-publishing company, according to the Better Business Bureau and Top Consumer Reviews, respectively.

Would you like help choosing your best self-publishing option? Connect with Outskirts Press now in whatever manner is easiest for you:

“I give a big 5-star review to my Author Representative and Outskirts Press! The entire Outskirts process has been with people who are courteous, efficient and knowledgeable. I am very pleased with my first book! Thank you to the entire Outskirts Press staff!” — Jimmy Chew, author of Walking Around Lucky: Navigate America’s New Lust for Gambling


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