Make Some New Plans for Your Book in the New Year!

Even though a small part of us cringes at the thought of yet another to-do list, we can’t help but recognize that the recoil is somewhat a consequence of semantics: we may not have had much success giving up sweets or processed foods or otherwise accomplishing resolutions of years past, but we fully acknowledge the fact that structured and manageable goals are important and sometimes even necessary. They’re especially necessary to moving a book from ideation to final publication. If we divorce the word “resolve” from its holiday baggage, there’s no denying its powerful potential for instigating personal transformation. Just think of its straightforward and simple definition:

noun | re-solve |
: firmness of purpose : DETERMINATION

With a firmness of purpose firmly instilled in our hearts and minds, here are fourteen resolutions we propose to start off your New Year’s resolutions list. But don’t panic! While most of them are fully self-explanatory, a few do require a little more explanation, which you’ll find immediately after the list. So here it is!

The first four resolutions are designed to enrich yourself first. After all, you have to be in a good place if you want to publish a good book, right?

1. Set goals.
2. Facilitate goals.
3. Make writing a priority, and
4. Read, read, read.

The next seven resolutions have to do with your relationship to the outside world. How do you relate to it so as to make a strongly-rooted, deeply affecting book? Part of the answer may lie in being a strongly-rooted, deeply relational human being.

5. Master at least the basics of social media.
6. Research deeply.
7. Connect with other authors.
8. Embrace a good critique.
9. Learn to love rewrites.
10. Try something new, and
11. Stop comparing your achievements with others. (It’s just not life-affirming.)

And the last three resolutions? They have to do moving your book forward from manuscript to the printed (or pixeled) page. These are some of our favorite resolutions, too!

12. Seek help! Get that writing consultation.
13. Learn about self-publishing, and
14. Embrace your style!

We’re going to pull out the brass tacks and take a closer look at those final three points.

What is a writing consultation, and how can it help me? Have you ever been stuck in a rut? Is the dreaded “Writer’s Block” a regular or even constant companion of yours? There are untold untapped resources out there to help jump-start or fine-tune your writing and get your book back on track, such as the writing consultation service from Outskirts Press. A number of other indie, hybrid, and self-publishing companies offer similar services, and there are all kinds of free websites dedicated to the same thing — and the only downside to these free services is the fact that they can be hard to navigate. When you have thousands upon thousands of web pages to filter through for relevant bits of information, where do you get started? Herein lies the benefit of an actual, honest-to-goodness sit-down session with a live human being and professional: a consultation session gives you time with a skilled writer who is also an industry expert in order to address any writing issues you are experiencing. You should also emerge with a great deal of valuable advice and a plan of action for moving forward.

And what’s this about learning about self-publishing? Simply put, the more you know about the self-publishing industry and the options available to you, the author, the easier it is to find your way forward. You can’t afford to not know what you’re getting into, and if you find yourself overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the self-publishing community through web forums or even the experts that your prospective self-publishing platform keeps on hand for just such a moment. They’re there to help! And while we can’t speak for all experienced indie authors, the ones we have had the pleasure to meet and work with are unfailingly kind and generous with their time, advice, and feedback. So: do your research and learn what you’re getting into. Odds are it’s not nearly as scary a process as you may imagine.

Finally, embrace your style! As a writer, you may do things a little differently from the next writer at the imaginary conference table, but that’s what makes you so special … and it is also what sets you apart and what will help you sell books later on. Never give up. Never surrender to self-doubt. Your style and your choices as an author are valid. Not only are they valid, but they’re your greatest strengths and your greatest selling points. And selling points have everything to do with your success as a self-publishing author! If you’re doing things your own way and you feel like you’re writing the book you want to write, then we guarantee you that you’re writing a superior book. A book we can’t wait to help you publish!

For more information, call a Publishing Consultant at 1-888-672-6657 (OP BOOKS), or chat with us using the live chat option on our website (

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