This Week’s Amazon Featured Book of the Week is Loosening the Grip 12th Edition: A Handbook of Alcohol Information by Jean Kinney

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Loosening the Grip 12th Edition: A Handbook of Alcohol Information

by Jean Kinney

(4.5 out of 5 Stars – 40 Customer Reviews)    Price: $69.95

Accessible and comprehensive, Loosening the Grip remains an authoritative source for information about alcohol use and the problems associated with it, while also addressing the relationship between alcohol and other drug use. The text presents the physical and psychological effects of alcohol, alongside the impact of its use on the family and society. Special attention is given to the range of responses to potential problems of alcohol use, including prevention, harm reduction, assessment, referral and treatment, and the risks for anyone of heavy alcohol use. Along with providing a historical foundation, Loosening the Grip also sets forth basic information on other drugs of abuse, whether street drugs or prescription drugs.

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