Amazon Featured Book of the Week

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by J. Russell Smith

(4 Stars – 11 Customer Reviews)

Price: $22.95

J. Russell Smith’s “Longworth.” A coming of age story of Carson Longworth in the 1960’s early 1970’s when the Vietnam War was beginning to heat up. His outlook on life was different than others his age. Carson wrestles with his personal demons and the general inanity of the world.  He joined the Marine Corps because he ‘wanted to be a man,’ an experience that shaped him indelibly. His experiences in the Vietnam War helped create his antagonistic outlook. He could not come to terms with the intent of the war nor the manner in which it was being conducted. Carson found himself on the outside looking in. He became, contrary to most who join the Marine Corps, a liberal thinker and a skeptic who became increasingly frustrated with the inconsistencies that he observed in the conduct of his fellow man.

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Amazon Featured Book-of-the-Week

Here’s this week’s Featured Book-of-the-Week available now on!


by J. Russell Smith

(4 Stars – 10 Customer Reviews)

Price: $22.95

J. Russell Smith’s “Longworth.” While in high school during the Vietnam War era, Carson Longworth wrestles with his own inadequacies about the world and social relationships until he meets Kathy. His personal growth with Kathy shapes him to enlist in the Marine Corps but he becomes a liberal thinker and a skeptic who becomes increasingly frustrated with the inconsistencies that he observes.


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