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Publishing Tips for Busy Writers

You’ve dedicated months, even years, to committing your book to paper. And now, after typing that final, “The End,” a new journey begins: getting your book published and into the hands of as many readers as possible.

Although self-publishing may seem intimidating, and book marketing may seem to be a full-time job…with the Outskirts Press One-Click Publishing packages, it’s not!

The One-Click Publishing packages are all-inclusive, offering the services that every author needs to properly publish and promote a high-quality book.

With (literally) one click of the mouse, you can hand over the reins to a team of
and promotion professionals and let us handle everything. Our One-Click Publishing packages offer the best value and bring together everything you need to polish, publish, package, and promote your work from start to finish. Sit back and relax while we do all the work, and you collect 100% of your royalties!

All One-Click packages are even specific to particular genres. This means that when you buy, you can rest assured that everything included is just what your book needs to stand out from the rest.

After your book is published, we provide you with support from a top-tier team of marketing professionals to help you reach your post-publication goals—leaving you free to do what you do best: write!

We offer four One-Click packages:

The One-Click Publishing for Fiction package is tailored to provide novelists with all the specific services necessary for successfully publishing and marketing a work of fiction.

The One-Click Publishing for Coaches and Speakers package is tailored to help your career as a speaker, coach, and/or counselor.   A book can build upon your platform, further establish your expertise, and provide an additional revenue stream.

The One-Click Publishing for Children’s Books package is tailored to include all that a successful children’s book needs. This includes custom, full-color illustrations, a full-color cover and full-color printing.

The One-Click Publishing for Spiritual Books package is tailored to provide spiritual writers with all the specific services necessary to successfully publish and market an important inspirational/spiritual work.

See what our convenient One-Click packages can do for you and your book. It simply couldn’t be any easier.

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