1. Spring Arbor Christian Distribution – The purpose of Spring Arbor Christian Distributors is to provide superior distribution services for books that enhance people’s relationship with God. Outskirts Press authors with the Diamond or Pearl publishing package can receive submission to Spring Arbor Distribution for free.  It is also available to Ruby authors as an additional paid option. Since Spring Arbor is a distributor with a specific purpose, not all titles submitted for consideration are accepted. Spring Arbor holds ultimate discretion for the titles they accept.

2. Personal Marketing Assistant – Outskirts Press Personal Marketing Assistants are available to work with Christian authors, regardless of where they published, in 5-hour blocks of time to develop a marketing plan (if needed), introduce new marketing strategies and carry out the marketing tactics necessary to reach the target audience and achieve your goals. For Outskirts Press published authors, this option is included in the Book Blast package.

3. Spirituality & Health Magazine Co-Op Advertising – Spirituality & Health reaches over 85,000 predominantly successful, professional readers who have grown to value authenticity, meaning and balance in life. They are invested in exploring the spiritual aspects of life and are on a journey focused on health, self-knowledge, authenticity and integration. Outskirts Press published authors can reach these affluent readers of Spirituality & Health magazine through co-op ads that are only a fraction of the cost of running full color advertising on their own.

4. Amazon Kindle Edition – There are several benefits to having your book available in Amazon’s Kindle Store.  Read more about the benefits of the Kindle Edition in this post:


The Kindle Edition is available for all authors, regardless of where their book was published, and is included in the Amazon Extreme package.

5. Article Ghostwriting and Distribution – One of the proven ways to market yourself and your book on the Internet is to write and distribute related articles that demonstrate your expertise in your subject matter. Even if your article does not blatantly promote your book, your “About the Author” byline section does, including a link to your webpage. This is also good for Search Engine Optimization for your webpage.

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2 thoughts on “Top 5 Book Marketing Options for Self-Publishing Christian Authors

    1. Hi Jim — The cost of a finished book depends on 3 variables. The finished trim size of the book; 5 ½ x 8 ½ for example, the estimated page count and publishing package that the author selects. This link: http://www.outskirtspress.com/calculator.php will take you to our pricing calculator. Once on the calculator page you can fill in the requested information to view your estimated per book cost. Notice that a Diamond Author pays $1.00 less than a Ruby Author and $2.00 less than a Sapphire Author. I hope that helps!

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