Outskirts Press Author Nathan Seven Scott’s Book Featured on Wendy Williams Show

Wendy Williams, the acclaimed Queen of Media/Queen of Radio recently featured an Outskirts Press author’s book live on the air. The book: MY TURN by Nathan Seven Scott.

Self-publishing authors, like any other author, often hope to achieve some level of notoriety for their work. The ultimate? Being featured on a national television show.

The praises Wendy gave the book can be found at the front of Nathan’s book video here:

Wow! That’s a pretty big deal. Because we know that many authors find their inspiration from others, we asked Nathan to share a little bit about his book and how he got his book into the hands of the Queen of Media. Here’s what he had to say:

OP: Tell us a little bit about My Turn. What is it about?

Hotshot reporter Courtney R. Knight lands the opportunity of a lifetime to head the social media division at a high-profile media firm. Drama, mystery and murder unfold when he gets caught up between rival moguls, a jealous ex-lover and a host of colorful characters amidst the electrifying backdrop of New York City.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

I’m a fan of the Showtime series Dexter. When I created this story, it was essentially a cross between my own hunger to become a successful media mogul infused with murder. I wrote the story to challenge myself. Once I got started, there was no turning back. My editor advised me to make it a trilogy, so I did and now I have two others in the works.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Readers who will enjoy this story are people who want a fast paced page-turner about sex, murder and power.

OP: What is special about your book? What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

The book is special because it’s a new story. People who have read My Turn thus far have told me they have never experienced anything like it. The story allows readers to get a slice of what I call The Rotten Apple, New York City.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

My Turn is my very first novel. The goal is to produce several other novels, after completing the trilogy.

OP: How did Wendy Williams get a copy of your book?

One day, I thought it would be a good idea to send Wendy Williams a copy of the book and as fate had it, she read it and the rest is history. I was excited to know that she thoroughly enjoyed it.

OP: What advice do you have for new budding authors?

Once I discovered that I could publish my own book through Outskirts Press, I knew that anything was possible. If I had to give any advice, it would be to put your best pen forward and write. Be sure to find a good editor and someone who believes in their story. Don’t be afraid to put your work out there because someone will read it.

OP: Congratulations on this exciting accomplishment, Nathan! We look forward to your next one!

Are you ready to become a media success story like Nathan?