Outskirts Press Presents S.C. Burns, author of Cookesville U.S.A.: The Wildest, Wickedest, Wealthiest Big “Small” Town In the West

Author S.C. Burns is taking her latest book, Cookesville U.S.A.: The Wildest, Wickedest, Wealthiest Big “Small” Town In the West on tour – a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join S.C. Burns and Cookesville U.S.A.: The Wildest, Wickedest, Wealthiest Big “Small” Town In the West as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, S.C. Burns was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Cookesville U.S.A.: The Wildest, Wickedest, Wealthiest Big “Small” Town In the West.

OP: Tell us a little bit about Cookesville U.S.A.: The Wildest, Wickedest, Wealthiest Big “Small” Town In the West. What is it about?

S.C.:  It is a historical satire/drama/western, based upon the history and peoples of Bakersfield, CA—and its relationship with Hollywood. While Bakersfield was founded by a Colonel Baker, the fictional town of Cookesville was settled and founded by a wealthy goldminer named Frank Cooke. Cooke was a captain in the U.S. Cavalry (yes, he was Captain Cooke), who fought in the Mexican War before heading to the California gold fields to make his fortune. When he returned to the southern “San Andreas” valley with his Choctaw wife, and a menagerie of Chinese and Mexican laborers, he brought with him the idea of protecting the “others” in the new state of California—those who had no legal protections by the new state constitution. This story continues into the 21st century, as Cookesville grows into a modern and thriving town—governed oftentimes by persons of questionable character. The major protagonist, “Lynnie,” is a sleuth who uncovers, and often covers up, the major crimes for a major law firm in Cookesville. He and most characters in this book are based upon real people in the history of Bakersfield, most of whom I have known personally, and some of the characters’ storylines are a composition of numerous people. The investigator whose life mirrored Lynnie’s (he passed away in 2011, like his character in the book) was approached by actor Dennis Quaid, who wanted to tell the story of one of the real crimes “Lynnie” had worked to alter (cover up?). “Lynnie” passed away before this could happen. My spouse (criminal attorney, family law attorney and administrative law judge with the California Department of Rehabilitations) and I were close friends of “Lynnie’s.” We often met for lunch, had him over for dinner in our home, and I collected those stories through the years.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

S.C.:  I have lived in Bakersfield for over forty years, raised my three children here, and often planned to leave the area. In plotting my “escape,” I have been continually snagged by a relationship, friendships, and career advantages. Also, as I state in my introductory chapter, Cookesville (like Bakersfield) is a conundrum, one that is hard to leave behind. There are great country clubs, tennis clubs, wealthy organizations and beautiful neighborhoods that freeway flyers never see. They have no idea about the amazing quality of life, and benefits, of living here—in spite of the heat in the summer, and Tule fog in the winter. Its extremes in climate and wealth (from poverty to extreme wealth) are responsible for its dramatic history and stories. As I continued to dream of retiring elsewhere, I finally decided that the reason I have been “stuck” here is that I need to tell the dramatic stores I have been privy to: crimes, affairs, crooked and clever politics, but mainly the personal dramas I have observed.

OP: How did you get your book published?

S.C.: During the years I have been writing this book, and especially during the race to finish it in 2020, I have continued to peruse publishers, the length of time the publishing process might take, while continually returning to the terms proposed by Outskirts Press. Knowing that I would be in complete control of the contents of my book and the story I need to tell, I opted for this company. They have a solid history of sound practices, and well-oiled promotional plans. At this point in the process, I have been very happy with Outskirts Press.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

S.C.: If you read the review by Peter Freedman in the front pages of the book, I think you’ll see that this book should appeal strongly to anyone familiar with Bakersfield: residents of this fine town (of many nationalities and ethnicities), Hollywood writers and producers, and anyone who likes western history. The story starts in 1846 and concludes in the year 2011, and it includes authentic mob influences (establishing Las Vegas and reaching into the valley), Italian farmers, big-time oil and agricultural corporations, and more. It has both a small-town vibe and an international community of investors in the various industries. Always, there are strong communities—Native Americans, Chinese, Italian, Basque, Mexican, African Americans, and Middle Easterners. You can see that anyone who knows anything about Bakersfield might be curious to read about some familiar and salacious history.

OP: What is special about your book?

S.C.:  The authentic Bakersfield shows through: the historic wild west, the influences of the U.S. South (King Cotton), country-western music, the hidden resources such as oil and agriculture, and a continual connection to the Los Angeles/Hollywood community. The real crimes are recognizable, though they have been fictionalized to protect both the guilty and innocent. My book contains authentic sexual relationships, ladies of the night, and extramarital affairs—many of them known to community leaders who will recognize the inferences.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

S.C.:What sets Cookesville apart are the real stories of Bakersfield that have not been exposed before. As already stated, people I have known through years of socializing, working and being involved in the legal community will recognize many of the stories. Much like the book/movie, The Help, I am already being contacted by friends who are telling me whose story they recognize, and asking me who some of the others represent. I knew this would be a fun project, and it is certainly proving to be so.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

S.C.:Yes. My first book was entitled, Daughters of Juno, Chronicle I; Matilda of Argyll. It was published in 2003 by Pentland Press. Before they went out of business, I republished the book with University Press of the South in 2007 as Matilda of Argyll—after re-editing the book and removing the introductory paragraph—in order to have it stand on its own, not as a series.

OP: How can someone learn more about your book or purchase it?

S.C.: There is a lengthy summary about this book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I will be advertising through digital billboards around Bakersfield soon, and hopefully beyond Kern County in the not-too-distant future. Also, I hope to be interviewed by you, on your Blogsite!

OP: Thanks for your time, S.C.! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


S.C. Burns has been a teaching historian at the college/university level for 26 years. Her scholarship and research focus on hot-button social issues, and her search for authenticity in history and fiction has led her across Europe and Latin America. A native of northwestern Kentucky, Burns has lived in Orange County, CA, San Francisco and British Columbia, Canada. She eventually settled in Bakersfield, CA where she raised her three children.

For more information or to contact the author, visit https://www.outskirtspress.com/CookesvilleUSA

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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Amazon Featured Book of the Week

Now available on Amazon.com!

Lawrence Graham Bigelow: An Artist Sees for His Country

by Barbara D. McMillan

(5 Stars – 14 Customer Reviews)

Price: $21.95

Barbara D. McMillan’s “Lawrence Graham Bigelow: An Artist Sees for His Country.” Lawrence Graham Bigelow was an American artist who achieved prominence in the mid 20th century, while at the same time working undercover for the CIA. Did the requirement of secrecy deny him the recognition his artwork deserves? His luminescent watercolors often framed landscapes from his travels around the world, as he sought to blend his public and private occupations. Bigelow was born in Paris in 1925 to Foreign Service parents, and was a decorated war hero in World War II before becoming an OSS agent in Italy and later joining the CIA. While his paintings no longer command the audience they once did, his life and artistry remain a captivating tale of a double-life.

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Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time of this posting; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon.com.© Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109-5210.


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Self-Publishing Author Conor Mitchell Discusses Lockdown: 100 Days in San Francisco Facing COVID-19, Protests, and An Uncertain Future

Author Conor Mitchell is taking his latest book, Lockdown: 100 Days in San Francisco Facing COVID-19, Protests, and An Uncertain Future on tour — a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join Conor Mitchell and Lockdown: 100 Days in San Francisco Facing COVID-19, Protests, and An Uncertain Future as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, Conor Mitchell was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Lockdown: 100 Days in San Francisco Facing COVID-19, Protests, and An Uncertain Future

OP: Tell us a little bit about Lockdown: 100 Days in San Francisco Facing COVID-19, Protests, and An Uncertain Future. What is it about?

Conor:  My book documents the first 100 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in San Francisco using pictures that I took on my iPhone.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Conor:  I decided to write it after I had taken thousands of photos of the city, shared them with family, and every one of them had told me to get these put into a book.

OP: How did you get your book published?

Conor: A friend of mine from New York City had published with Outskirts Press and she had recommended my name to them in order to help move the process of the book along.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Conor: I think everyone would be interested in this book. We have all lived through some part of the pandemic and we each saw some perspective of what happened. Being able to see something like this in a city as famous as San Francisco would certainly be something everyone will want to see.

OP: What is special about your book?  

Conor:  This documents a very specific time in the pandemic when nothing was certain and a time in San Francisco’s history that is unlike anything the city had ever experienced before.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

Conor: For each day I was taking these pictures, I kept notes to myself about how each day was in terms of how I felt or what was going on at the time. It not only offers a view into what the city must have looked like but also what it must have been like to experience it first-hand.

OP: Have you published any other books?

Conor: I have not published any other books but I do plan to publish a follow-up to this book, which will focus on the recovery of San Francisco and the revival of different sectors of the city.

OP: Do you plan to publish more?

Conor: You can learn more about it through LockdownSF.com and order the book through Amazon.

OP: Thanks for your time, Conor! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


Conor Mitchell, a photographer and videographer lives in downtown San Francisco. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he found himself alone in the city he had called home for just 18 months. Taking as many pictures as he could, Conor curated a collection of photos in this book to best illustrate what a total lockdown in one of the most famous cities in the world looked like.

For more information or to contact the author, visit https://www.outskirtspress.com/lockdown

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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Amazon Featured Book of the Week

Now available on Amazon.com!


by Patricia Gangi

(5 Stars – 9 Customer Reviews)

Price: $19.95

Patricia Gangi’s “Ruins.” Recently widowed biblical scholar Cass Stevens has come to the Holy Land to complete her manuscript about the Apostle James, brother of Jesus. She also hopes to shed the hypocrisy she’s been living with since the deaths of her husband and infant daughter. What’s not on her agenda is falling in love again. While on an archaeological dig in Pella, Jordan, however, she falls in love with the brilliant director of the dig, Jed McIntyre. But her passion for Jed threatens the “safe” life she’s built for herself, and she can’t love Jed fully because she is unwilling to forgive God for the tragedy that took her loved ones from her. Ruins is a story of love and loss, intrigue and redemption.

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Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time of this posting; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon.com.© Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109-5210.

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Amazon Featured Book of the Week

Now available on Amazon.com!

JETT’S Payback: JUST JETT Series Book VI

by Robin R. Randolph

(5 Stars – 4 Customer Reviews)

Price: $23.95

Robin R. Randolph’s “JETT’S Payback: JUST JETT Series Book VI.” It’s Payback Time! When Jett learns that her husband, Brodie Marxx, has cheated on her, she knows that enough is enough, and it’s time for a change. But there’s more to her husband’s infidelity than meets the eye. Brodie’s indiscretion was plotted, prompted, and paid for by his Italian cousin, Michael Langitto, who is in love with Jett and believes she will marry him as soon as she divorces her cheating husband. Smart, sexy, and fast-paced, Jett’s Payback will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time of this posting; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon.com.© Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109-5210.

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Outskirts Press Presents Steven E. Skinner, author of Hope This Day Finds You Well

Author Steven E. Skinner is taking his latest book, Hope This Day Finds You Well on tour – a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join Steven E. Skinner and Hope This Day Finds You Well as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, Steven E. Skinner was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Hope This Day Finds You Well.

OP: Tell us a little bit about Hope This Day Finds You Well. What is it about?

Steven:  Series of short stories containing light humor essays about everyday life.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Steven:  My wife was the inspiration for this book. These essays were columns for the BRAVO TROY-local news website.

OP: How did you get your book published?

Steven: I used Outskirts Press to self-publish.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Steven: Any age persons who enjoy reading light humor about everyday life.

OP: What is special about your book?  

Steven:  It is entertaining.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

Steven: Most of the essays are written about and around small-town USA.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

Steven: Yes, I have published other books. Yes, I do plan to publish more.

OP: How can someone learn more about your book or purchase it?

Steven: To purchase, they can go to my website at https://outskirtspress.com/hopethisdayfindsyouwell. The Kindle and Nook digital editions are also available there.

OP: Thanks for your time, Steven! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


Steven E. Skinner is a columnist for BRAVO TROY, a local news website. Steven is also a NAVY Veteran and a Vietnam veteran. He and his wife, Patricia have been married since 1972 and together have three children, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, riding motorcycles and playing bluegrass gospel music.

For more information or to contact the author, visit https://www.outskirtspress.com/hopethisdayfindsyouwell

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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Amazon Featured Book of the Week

Now available on Amazon.com!

Painting Oil Portraits: And Bones and Muscles

by Wm. Conte, Diane P. Conte, Mary Lynn Conte-Lawe

(4.5 Stars – 7 Customer Reviews)

Price: $29.95

Wm. Conte, Diane P. Conte, Mary Lynn Conte-Lawe’s “Painting Oil Portraits: And Bones and Muscles.” Painting Oil PORTRAITS will enlighten artists with a step by step learning experience. With each step you will see your subject come to life on canvas. BONES and MUSCLES will give the artist an understanding of the structural elements of human anatomy.

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Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time of this posting; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon.com.© Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon.com, the Amazon.com logo, and 1-Click are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Amazon.com, 410 Terry Avenue N., Seattle, WA 98109-5210.


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Self-Publishing Author DL Larson Discusses Back Home Again: Book 5, Douglas Family Saga

Author DL Larson is taking her latest book, Back Home Again: Book 5, Douglas Family Saga on tour – a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join DL Larson and Back Home Again: Book 5, Douglas Family Saga as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, DL Larson was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Back Home Again: Book 5, Douglas Family Saga.

OP: Tell us a little bit about Back Home Again: Book 5, Douglas Family Saga. What is it about?

DL:  Back Home Again is a family saga set in Kentucky 1850s. Family secrets are finally revealed in a way if you have not read the previous books, you are still a part of the discovery. Francis travels the broken road back in his mind in order to be whole for is new wife and family. His son, Jim, learns about what it means to be a millionaire’s son and the adjustment that it will take to carry that burden into adulthood. He helps his cousin Ruf with horseracing only to discover his own desire to be a part of the Douglas horse racing legacy. Young Hattie and Granny have a deep secret. Hattie promises to keep that awful time between her and God, only to discover her actions may well affect the rest of her life. And Ruf’s.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

DL:  I wanted to tell a story about everyday problems in a historical setting. I hope my readers find comfort that others before them have overcome domestic abuse, abortion, greed, jealousy, and heartbreak. And through it all, love still shines through. Love is what binds us together and gives us the strength to trust again, no matter what has happened in the past.

OP: How did you get your book published?

DL: I’ve had my last two books published with Outskirts Press.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

DL: If you like family stories, lives entwined with others, you will enjoy my Douglas Family Saga.  Here’s a little bit about my series: If you like American Indian stories and the War of 1812, you’ll enjoy Memories Trail, still available in ebook, on Amazon.com. Promises To Keep and the sequel Promises My Love are about family secrets, gambling, and kidnapping, as well as young love, forbidden love, and unstable love. (Available in book and ebook form). Coming Home might intrigue you with high stakes horse racing and politics of the time, along with learning what love really is. And…Back Home Again, Book 5 of the Douglas Family Saga…real life issues cause my characters to search for their strength in dire circumstances. Francis doesn’t want to harm his family, but his past mocks him, tests him beyond his endurance. Ruf is sure he has ruined Hattie’s life and his own. His guilt propels him more than love. And Jim, continues to search for his place in the family. He’s not a gambler, a horse racer, or even that good a son. Politics intrigue him and he wonders what his future holds.

OP: What is special about your book?

DL: I believe readers will connect with my family of characters as they struggle with life lessons. The evils of gambling, the memories of child abuse, an unwanted pregnancy, and where is God in all of this? Where does love fit into make life bearable? It’s a question we all struggle to understand. Will love overshadow the hurt and loss? The Douglas family comes through with hope in their hearts for a better tomorrow. Something we all strive for.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

DL: I’m not sure other books tackle social issues as mine has. We hear statistics but rarely hear personal life struggles so openly. In Kentucky 1850, there were no abortion clinics, no abusive hotlines, no gamblers anonymous, etc. There was only family and what you entrusted to share with one another. Social unjust is nothing new. We as a society tend to forget that…so I hope my book(s) help remind folks, these struggles have been with us a long time and only hope for a better tomorrow will see us through.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

DL: Yes, my other books in my Douglas Family Saga. I am currently working on the next Douglas family installment, called, When Tomorrow Comes. Jim and his family head for New York where he discovers a runaway slave. His involvement will change his life he only begins to realize. Hattie leaves with Granny for the western territories to see the Great PowWow, a counsel with the U.S. Government. Ruf is stuck at home helping with the building of the town library…until he receives a letter from a young man who tells him Hattie no longer belongs to him. Ruf heads west and ends up kidnapped by young Indian scouts… (I was also a contributing author to the WindyCity RWA Anthology 2019, called A Wicked Appetite. All proceeds for that book went to Breast Cancer Research.)

OP: How can someone learn more about your book or purchase it?

DL: You may purchase my books at Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble. Please leave a review. Visit me at my website: www.DLLARSON.com Or visit me on Facebook: DL Larson; or visit Twitter: DL_storyteller.

OP: Thanks for your time, DL! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


DL Larson lives in northern Illinois with her farming family. Back Home Again is the fifth book in the Douglas Family Series. Visit DL Larson on Facebook or visit her website at: http://dllarson.com Purchase DL’s books at Amazon.com. Leave a review.

For more information or to contact the author, visit https://www.outskirtspress.com/backhomeagain

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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Outskirts Press Presents Kevin Vachna, author of OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of Tomorrow, Today!)

Author Kevin Vachna is taking his latest book, OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of Tomorrow, Today!) on tour — a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press! Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join Kevin Vachna and OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of Tomorrow, Today!) as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, Kevin Vachna was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of Tomorrow, Today!).

OP: Tell us a little bit about OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of Tomorrow, Today!). What is it about?

Kevin:  Black Mirror meets Dead Poets Society, OBSOLETE is a thrilling adventure set in the not so distant future, where technology is invisibly engrained in every aspect of life, even finding a home inside of us.  Crime, Disease, and Poverty are all but extinct.  Democracy is decided in real-time with lightning-fast ease. Holographic projections are at everyone’s fingertips, swallowing them into a world of constant entertainment and communication.  There’s just one problem: the kids are all becoming hyperactive, disconnected screen-addicts. The America Learns Initiative, a federal program under the Department of Restructure, has a solution: The Success Spheres!  Championing the mantra, “Do nothing and learn!” This state of the art technology promises to save the failing school system, its students, and teachers, once and for all. After an unauthorized history lesson,  Professor T is reassigned to one of the worst performing schools around. There, unlikely allies and hidden threats lead T to revelations about a conspiracy with sinister roots. What T discovers could threaten to overturn the ALI’s Success Sphere program and the very foundations of society, itself.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Kevin:  I wrote and drew this graphic novel after being inspired by what I saw in the schools every day. There were never enough resources and they were always pushing for something that wasn’t in the students’ best interest but their own. And that’s when an over-reliance on technology infected our schools. I watched teachers replaced by screens. Education stagnated and the children suffered most of all. Over the past decade I have been witness to, participant in, and victim of this drastic transformation inside the New York City public school system. They’ve embraced detrimental practices under the guise of technological reform. There are computers in every classroom, but students enter through metal detectors and undergo body-searches. More often than not, teachers are encouraged to use media such as YouTube to entertain and pacify students while passing them through to graduation. Like parts in a machine, these overworked teachers are replaced by younger, cheaper ones. Students graduate into a world in which they are wildly under-prepared to participate let alone prosper. The What-If, nightmare scenario of where this path might lead and the underlying dangers for society are realized in the world and characters of my graphic novel, OBSOLETE.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Kevin: Parents, teachers, and students (ages 15+) will benefit from reading this book and will connect with its important lessons and themes. People involved in school and education will connect with this and hopefully re-examine the effects technology has on education and their lives. For high school students and teachers, this book offers confirmation of many unspoken frustrations and fears they may have. The visual nature of this graphic novel creates avenues for reluctant readers to reach places of comprehension and introspection. Additionally, lovers of science fiction and/or dystopian fiction will enjoy this, as well, due to the major conflicts and tensions with technology in this book. Anyone who has attended (or is attending) High School will be interested in this graphic novel. There is some violence, so I wouldn’t want to give it to anyone under 15.

OP: What is special or uniquely personal about your book?

Kevin:  As a teacher with over ten years of classroom experience, published author, and frequent media expert on themes involving technology and culture, my life has centered on pedagogy, analysis, and storytelling. I believe the characters and setting are unique among other science fiction books, dystopian fiction books, and graphic novels. The setting of the school is a location most readers will have intimate knowledge of and experience with, despite there not being many dystopian, science fiction stories that take place in school. The characters also are relatable due to their interactions with and dependency on technology like cellphones and computers. In a time of distance learning and increasing screen-time, many individuals (including teachers, students, and parents) are beginning to seriously contemplate the impact of technology in the classroom and on our lives. While technophobia is an emerging mood in fiction, OBSOLETE focuses heavily on these themes and moods in a way I believe has not yet been explored and discussed, prior.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

Kevin: In 2009, at the age of 21, I published a short novel, Summer of the Fall.

OP: How can someone learn more about your book or purchase it?

Kevin: Here is where buyers can find my book:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1977235263
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/obsolete-kevin-vachna/1138001370
ComiXology: https://www.comixology.com/Obsolete-Vol-1-A-Teachers-Tale-Of-Tomorrow-Today/comics-series/151287

OP: Thanks for your time, Kevin! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!

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In the spring of 2009, at the age of 21, Kevin published a short novel, Summer of the Fall, through Outskirts Press. He spent the next few summers editing a second, experimental novel, Not All Vampires Suck Blood and a screen play, titled End of the World. For ten years, Vachna was employed as a high school English teacher at a New York City public school in the Bronx. In 2012, Kevin completed an English Literature MA at Lehman College. In 2016, he received a Masters in School Administration. The completion of Kevin’s latest project OBSOLETE in 2019 came on the footsteps of his exit from the New York City Department of Education. Neither parties elected to comment on any meta-narrative connections between art and life. Currently, Kevin teaches English at a private high school in Westchester, New York and hosts a film discussion show on television.

For more information or to contact the author, visit https://www.outskirtspress.com/obsolete

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