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JETT’S Payback: JUST JETT Series Book VI

by Robin R. Randolph

(5 Stars – 4 Customer Reviews)

Price: $23.95

Robin R. Randolph’s “JETT’S Payback: JUST JETT Series Book VI.” It’s Payback Time! When Jett learns that her husband, Brodie Marxx, has cheated on her, she knows that enough is enough, and it’s time for a change. But there’s more to her husband’s infidelity than meets the eye. Brodie’s indiscretion was plotted, prompted, and paid for by his Italian cousin, Michael Langitto, who is in love with Jett and believes she will marry him as soon as she divorces her cheating husband. Smart, sexy, and fast-paced, Jett’s Payback will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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