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Lawrence Graham Bigelow: An Artist Sees for His Country

by Barbara D. McMillan

(5 Stars – 14 Customer Reviews)

Price: $21.95

Barbara D. McMillan’s “Lawrence Graham Bigelow: An Artist Sees for His Country.” Lawrence Graham Bigelow was an American artist who achieved prominence in the mid 20th century, while at the same time working undercover for the CIA. Did the requirement of secrecy deny him the recognition his artwork deserves? His luminescent watercolors often framed landscapes from his travels around the world, as he sought to blend his public and private occupations. Bigelow was born in Paris in 1925 to Foreign Service parents, and was a decorated war hero in World War II before becoming an OSS agent in Italy and later joining the CIA. While his paintings no longer command the audience they once did, his life and artistry remain a captivating tale of a double-life.

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