Author Poll: Writer Bernard Bentley wants your help with his cover

Bernard Bentley is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press. And he wants your help deciding his book cover.

Book Summary

Life is an adventure. Share your adventure with someone!

Little Ben’s Life is a fun and entertaining book that is suitable for all readers. It Is written in rollicking rhyme which is sure to capture your attention. In the early years Ben overcomes boredom and life’s challenges by using his vivid imagination as a way of escape. While in the later years Ben shares his incredible experience of growing up and living in the Great Pacific Northwest.

About the Author

Bernard enjoys writing. It is his way of sharing his heart with all of his readers. He received his start in the industry as a model with Elan Modeling Troupe. Bernard later went on to act in several film projects. He is currently focused on further developing his talents as a writer and a independent film maker. Bernard speaks English, Haitian Kreyol, Tagalog and Spanish. He has over 30 years’ experience in martial arts. He is also the Pastor and founder of Latter Rain International Church.

Please take a look at two possible covers below and then vote on the choice you recommend for Bernard Bentley.

Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge Cover Option A (opens in new window)

Cover A

Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge Cover Option B (opens in new window)

Cover B

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