Author Poll: David Gottstein wants your help with his cover in a Survey Poll

David Gottstein is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

A More Perfect Union- Unifying Ideas for a Divided America

We are a divided country, but we don’t have to be. A More Perfect Union-Unifying Ideas for a Divided America is the essential guide for a polarized country. Author David Gottstein has identified the most pressing issues that Americans must address to prosper at home and abroad. More importantly, he offers common sense solutions that will unite Americans regardless of their politics. Imagine solutions that provide enough water and energy for generations, leaving a cleaner planet in return. Imagine a way to end unemployment and welfare as we know it. Gottstein shares a vision of America where success is based on how hard you work and not where you were born. If you are looking to be inspired by an America that can be, you have found the right book. Read it, share it, and add your voice to A More Perfect Union.

About the Author:

David Gottstein is President of Dynamic Capital Management with a degree in Economics and Finance from the Wharton School. He has been a political activist working behind the scenes, in a bi-partisan role for more than 40 years. He was the founder of Backbone, a political action alliance of Republicans and Democrats, dedicated to finding common ground.

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Author Poll: Don Provance, Jr. wants your help with his cover in a Survey Poll

Don Provance, Jr.  is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

JIMMY is the perfect story for anyone searching for the love to accept themselves or the grace to forgive.  A terrible accident carries Jimmy and his father down different forks in the river.  While Jimmy refuses to be defined by his new physical limitations, his father struggles with emotional wounds that threaten to consume him.  Through Jimmy’s eyes we see the immense natural beauty of the Ozarks and we remember that friends bring joy to life and soften the pain of loss.  Jimmy is the caring, emotionally brave hero we all need.  JIMMY is a baseball story, a tale from the Ozarks, and a slave for the soul.

About the Author:

Don is a lifelong resident of the Missouri Ozarks where he still lives with his wife Susan.  They have three children, Laura, Jana and Michael and two grandchildren, Jackson and Camryn.  Don enjoys spending most of his free time in the outdoors of the region either at the lake, floating down the James, or hiking through one of the forests that make up the region.  It is from these outdoor settings that he attains the inspiration for most of his stories.

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Author Poll: Jo-Ann Vega Wants Your Help With Her Cover

Jo-Ann Vega is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and she wants your help deciding her upcoming book cover.

Book Summary: Moments in Flight – A Memoir

Stunning memoir shares hard-earned practical wisdom, recovers lost history, and brings the immigrant story full circle.

Set in the last half century of transformative cultural change, Jo-Ann Vega’s memoir chronicles personal voyages of discovery beyond traditional boundaries of gender and culture. It begins with an extended eulogy to the immigrants of the south Bronx and the children who played on the streets without parental supervision—with horse-drawn vegetable and fruit wagons, malocchio, bocce, macaroni in numbered boxes, Uncle Dan the bookie, and Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra at Yankee Stadium. Vega details the impact of her famiglia’s relocation to suburbia, and her own coming of age during the relentless cultural upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s. She then seamlessly forms a bridge to today and life after work and parents. Crafted from 40 years’ worth of writing and journaling, Moments in Flight also features useful websites, historical timelines, and a Book Club Discussion Guide.

“Conceived in the optimism after the successful conclusion of WWII, I grew up in the 1950s in New York City, the ninth grandchild of immigrants from southern Europe who arrived in America in the first decades of the 20th century. I came of age during the birth of the social justice and anti-war movements of the early 1970s that presaged today’s world. I started writing then, to make sense of my world…”

About the Author:

 Jo-Ann Vega, a proud Italian-American whose roots in America began in 1903, is a published author and dynamic speaker with 30 years of experience presenting to academic, business, and community groups. Jo-Ann lives with her life partner and canine companion.

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Author Poll: Steven Orenstein, Ph.D. Wants Your Help With His Cover

Steven Orenstein, Ph.D. is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and he wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:


Unstuck is a fresh look at what’s really been getting in your way. With honesty, humor, and the insights gained from more than thirty years on the leading edge of psychology, Dr. Orenstein offers a unique perspective on the mind-body relationship and the keys to breaking out of old destructive patterns. Unstuck is a revelatory journey into healing and personal growth that offers therapists a powerful new way to understand their clients and everyone an opportunity to find greater balance, joy, and aliveness.

About the Author:

Dr. Steve Orenstein is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Hawaii. He is licensed in both Colorado and Hawaii. Long on the leading edge of psychology, his professional journey has included psychodynamic psychotherapy, Radix, Gestalt, neuropsychology, Tragerwork, somatic therapy, pain management, and the treatment of eating disorders.

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Author Poll: Glenn Ickler Wants Your Help With His Cover

Glenn Ickler is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and he wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

Louie’s Last Story: A Mitch and Al mystery

Louie Stein has a story to tell—a story so special that Louie believes newspaper reporter Warren “Mitch” Mitchell will want to write a story about the story for the St. Paul Daily Dispatch. Mitch and his photographer buddy, Alan Jeffrey, are vacationing with their wives, Martha Todd and Carol Jeffrey, in the historic little town of Jonesborough, Tennessee, where they are attending the annual National Storytelling Festival. The foursome has been lured to the festival by Louie Stein, an 82-year-old master storyteller from southern Minnesota. They are waiting in eager anticipation for Louie’s special story in one of the festival’s huge tents on Sunday afternoon when the audience is told that, “due to circumstances beyond our control,” Louie will not be appearing. The two couples hurry out of the tent and rush to Louie’s motorhome, where they had joined a group of storytellers at a party the previous evening. To their astonishment, the vehicle is surrounded by yellow police tape, and Al is recruited by the police to enter the motorhome and photograph the bloody body of Louie Stein, who has been slashed and stabbed during the night. A week later, another storyteller, who calls herself Thumbelina, says in her blog that she thinks she knows who killed Louie. Hours later, Thumbelina is also fatally slashed and stabbed, and Mitch and Al find themselves on the trail of a shadowy two-time killer.

About the Author:

Glenn Ickler has had a long career in newspapers as a reporter, feature writer, theater critic, columnist and editor in Minnesota and Massachusetts. He was the leader of an editorial page staff that was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and has won numerous awards for his writing. A native of Minnesota, he now resides in the tiny town of Hopedale, Massachusetts, somewhere west of Boston, and spends the summer months in a tiny cottage on the tiny island of Martha’s Vineyard.

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Author Poll: FaL’s Boy Wants Your Help With His Cover

FaL’s Boy is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and he wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

Where is there a book about God?

It you think about it, the Bible, were it a message from God, has been before most every man in history, from its’ humble inception.  It requires focus to understand it, and not experts.  It is meant for all to understand.  Ecclesiastes, in the last chapter sums it up. “… of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh……the conclusion of the matter, fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

If I had one wish this treatise would do, it would be to have every African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, and whomever I may have left out, place God on their “Bucket List”.  It takes awhile to get around to Him, but as you can see today, we probably don’t really have anything better to do than find Him.

About the Author:

I was born right before television came to the masses, at least the masses of which I was a part.  When I look back, I can see through my parents how absolutely horrible it had to have been being Black at the turn of the century, during the very early 1900’s.  I received what to them was exceptional treatment, along with many of my peers, because they, our parents,  were elated, empowered, being allowed a tiny modicum of freedom from the tyranny of racism, and they invested their efforts in to bettering their condition, but especially into bettering the lives of their children.  By simply staying in the North, and gingerly tipping around the elephant of racism that stood close by every modicum of Black success, ready and certain to quash any lasting happiness, they quietly hoped to escape the madness themselves, but surely wanted their children to have the opportunities they did not have.  To some degree, (to them a great degree, when they reflected on their parents and their history), their dreams came true.  I went to an all Black elementary school, to a integrated high school, (15% Black), a slightly integrated college, (20 out of 1,000), and a professional school that somehow could never figure out how to graduate more than two Blacks, with the most profound expressions of exasperation on their faces.  Television roared in about 1955, and in only 65 years, is here to document the “Neo, good ole boy, good old days” return, where suburbs, chalets, rural communities receive the best of schools, roads, parks, benefits, and public is the updated version of “Black only”, with outdated books, poor facilities, limited benefits for the “other”.  The return to the days of overt and covert racism, being “reparadigmed” by a nebulous group called White nationalists, complete with its’ own “ism”.  I knew adults who would have still thought that Black people had tales had we not met and come to know each other.  Why they thought that I didn’t know then, but in this modern world of “fake news” that idea, though not particularly harmful, is apt to resurface.  Through all of this, my life is not necessarily noteworthy, but the new research in Biblical history, done by younger scholars, is noteworthy to all, because it states a truth that most likely will never be again hidden.  Just as the God of the Nation of Israel said, “I AM”, to Moses, We, people of color, now say that we “are”.

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Author Poll: The Layman, the writer of the narrative: Poignant Letter to My Fellow Americans, wants your help with his cover in a Survey Poll

The Layman is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

The Layman is introducing a fascinating interpretation of the Founding Fathers ultimate intent to answer an age-old question with the designing the Constitution of the United States, by providing a provocative series of narratives.  The first of the series of narratives proffers an informed look at some of the key sufficiencies and insufficiencies of the components that have led the People of the Union to the edge of an abyss, that will cost the Body of the Whole of the People of the Union to lose what maybe the greatest Democracy ever founded on this globe. And also endeavors to give an adequate answer to all the counterarguments which shall make their appearance, that may seem to have any claim to the readers attention.

For upon answering that age-old question, the Founding Fathers provided the Body of the Whole of the People of the Union with the answer to that age-old question and the much-needed Key to the balance between our Liberties and the Power endowed in the Government. The Layman points out clearly, that which provides for and is meant to guides the Moral Conscience and Course of the Nation.

Follow this modern-day profound narrative provided by the greatest Oracle of Wisdom: Experience, and enunciated by the Layman, as he points out the three intricate bonds held between the Body of the Whole of the People, which are wholly linked to the bonds established by the Constitution, as he ask poignant questions, to be answered deep in the hearts of every individual, all of whom form the greatest resource of the Union.

About the Author:

The Layman has spent 30-year of his life in military service to the Nation with the United States Army, defending the instrument that forms the Foundation Bedrock of the American Democratic Society.  This is his passionate heartfelt letter to the Whole of the People of the Perpetual Union of States, Territories and Possession, expressing his belief that a great multifaceted and monumental danger, now threatens the very instrument that provides for the Freedom and Liberties of the Whole of the People that have consented to be Governed, that have granted the Power endowed in the Federal Government.  This is his unwavering attempt to hold the line at the bridgehead of Freedom, a beacon long-ago provided to the world by the Founding Fathers.

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Author Poll: Gary Tutty Wants Your Help With Choosing A Cover

Gary Tutty is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

Have you ever wondered from just what gospel our political leaders, who proudly proclaim they are devout Christians, get their inspiration when they espouse hate and intolerance and seek revenge on anyone who disagrees with them.How about those self–proclaimed Christian business leaders who show no respect for their workers and work hard to not pay them a living wage or give them benefits. And what about those fiery evangelicals who are complicit with these leaders by their silence or avid support. Wonder no longer! In the satirical novel The Discovery of the Secret Gospel of the Rich and Powerful: the Gospel of Saint Avarice, you will find that very gospel. You meet a Jesus, whom these leaders are emulating. He teaches his apostles how to mock others, to never admit guilt, and to create their own version of truth. You will finally realize that so many of our leaders, who proudly proclaim their Christian Faith, are not at fault at all, but are actually doing God’s work.

About the Author:

Gary Tutty is a retired Superintendent of Schools. During his career, he taught English at the high school and college levels. Between his years as a teacher and an educational leader, he was a medical salesman, sales trainer, and sales manager for a major company. He is also the author of The Sins of Father Riley. He lives in upstate New York and Newport Beach, California.

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Author Poll: K. A. Zartman Wants Your Help With Choosing A Cover

K. A. Zartman is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and she wants your help deciding her upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

The intimate details and challenges of a life well-lived.

After a long-suffering divorce, the journey begins. It will be a long and hazardous road strewn with the challenges of life. Sex, the caregiving and death of both parents, a sister’s suicide and two catastrophic medical issues—just a few turns on the path to maturity. God bless this baby boomer and be amazed at what a senior citizen can think or do. An erotic must-read for the young and a more important read for seniors feeling their mortality.

About the Author:

Former furniture executive, artist, mother of three, grandmother of six, great-grandmother of one. Recovering from open-heart surgery with time to reflect, memories from her past 50 years flooded into the long hours. A gradual build of courage to reveal such intimate details resulted in this book. K. A. Zartman invites you to join her on this epic journey.

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Cover B

Author Poll: Gloria Swift Wants Your Help With Choosing A Cover

Gloria Swift is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and she wants your help deciding her upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

Building for Retirement in Belize – How a Primary School Dropout Conned a Multiple-Degree College Client!

Belize is a thriving Caribbean mecca in Central America with a booming construction business and a plethora of contractors. But without governmental agencies regulating and monitoring these so-called contractors, many prey on unsuspecting, trusting, financially able clients from the U.S., like Ms. Gloria Swift.

What follows is the story of “one of the largest financial blunders and idiotic decisions of my life,” remarked Ms. Swift. When she was told, “You aren’t the first one that this happened to and you won’t be the last,” she wrote Building for Retirement in Belize as a cautionary tale for others—”Because I will be the last.”

About the Author:

Ms. Gloria Swift served in the U.S. Army and was the Distinguished Graduate in the Instructor’s Training Course and the first black female in the Color Guard on Post. She was also the first female officer on a police department where she was not accepted by the majority of men, including the Chief. In Banking, although she had a reputation for cleaning up branches in order for them to pass internal audits, promotions eluded her for years. Ms. Swift pursued multiple degrees and credentials in the field of Education and went back to her first love, Teaching. Her memoir, The True Story of an Illegal Immigrant, details the obstacles she faced…and overcame as a black woman and an immigrant in the U.S.

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