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The Winner of a Free Self-Publishing Package

In December of 2007, an edition of the Outskirts Press newsletter featured the following amazing offer:

Outskirts Press is celebrating the holiday season by giving away a free publishing package to one lucky author. It could be you!

It’s easy to enter.

Simply complete your publishing package payment securely online in your author’s center before the New York City ball drops on New Year’s Eve. No promotion code is necessary.

Even if you already started your process earlier with your deposit, you are still eligible for this random drawing. If you already paid your package earlier in December, you are automatically entered to win. If you haven’t started yet, now is the time. Either way, simply select your package and pay your publishing fee before midnight Eastern time, New Year’s Eve. The amount you could win depends upon the package you select.

A free publishing package? It’s just our way of saying Season’s Greetings from Outskirts Press.

Announcing the 2007 winner!

Rudy E. Saucedo did not know it at the time, but when he started his publishing journey with Outskirts Press in December of 2007, he was about to receive a most amazing holiday gift — a free publishing package for his children’s book, titled: The Old ’39 and the Eight Mice from Wisconsin.

The Old '39 and the Eight Mice from Wisconsin by Rudy E. Saucedo

Rudy paid for his Pearl package in December, and the following spring was notified that his Pearl Publishing Package (valued at $999 at the time) would be paid for by Outskirts Press.

Congratulations, Rudy!

And congratulations to all the authors who started their publishing journey along with Rudy that month. Enjoying the holiday season as a published author is a wonderful thing.

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