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Uniquely Me “in how I came to be” An IVF story

by Sonya Blackburn

(5 Stars – 6 Customer Reviews)

Price: $31.95

Sonya Blackburn’s ‘ Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story.” ‘ A family story about Mya, a 4 year old preschooler, that reflects on what are the qualities that make her unique. She discovers that what made her unique is not only her interesting characteristics but is also in how she was born into this world through in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.

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Outskirts Press Presents Sonya Blackburn, author of Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story

Author Sonya Blackburn is taking her latest book Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story on tour — a Virtual Book Tour, that is, with Outskirts Press!  Technology has created a wide variety of ways to reach audiences all over the world. All it takes is a little thinking outside the box, and nowadays you can market a self-published book in a variety of affordable and impactful ways. Virtual book tours, for example, are a great way to connect with readers from all corners of the globe, all from the comfort of your own home. Join Sonya Blackburn and Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story as they appear in features and interviews (such as the one below) in the weeks and months ahead!

Luckily for us, Sonya was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story.

OP: Tell us a little bit about Uniquely Me: “in how I came to be” An IVF story. What is it about?

Sonya: “Uniquely Me” is a family story about Mya, a 4-year-old preschooler, that reflects with her parents on what are the qualities that make her unique. She discovers that what made her unique is not only her interesting characteristics but is also in how she was born into this world through IVF procedure.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

Sonya: “Uniquely Me”, was inspired by thoughts of families, just like my family, that have braved the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process.

OP: How did you get your book published?

Sonya: I published the book as an independent author through Outskirts Press Publishing.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

Sonya: This book is in the beginner reader category which would be good for a range of age 5 up to 8 years old.

OP: What is special about your book?

Sonya: This story gently explains the IVF process from a child’s point of view along with beautiful illustrations. This book is a celebration of all unique children and families around the world! So, it can be enjoyed even for families that have not undergone an IVF process.

OP: What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

Sonya: The book may be similar to others in the same category but offers it’s own uniqueness coming from being based on a personal story. The characteristics of Mya in the story are a reflection of the characteristics and quirky ways of my daughter.

OP: Have you published any other books?

Sonya: This is my first book, but I have hopes to publish more books in the future.

OP: Do you plan to publish more?

Sonya: I hope to build on a series of books that are based on real life experiences as my daughter continues to develop through childhood stages.

OP: Thanks for your time, Sonya! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!


Sonya Blackburn is a new author based out of Atlanta, GA. Her first book, “Uniquely Me,” was inspired by thoughts of families, just like her family, that have braved the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process. She is mindful that this process brings a range of stories of families that were successful on their first try to those that are still trying. It was a 3 year journey for her family of which they were thankful to finally fulfill their hopes of having a daughter. Her book “Uniquely Me” is a family story about Mya, a 4 year old preschooler, that reflects with her parents on what are the qualities that make her unique. She discovers that what made her unique is not only her interesting characteristics but is also in how she was born into this world through IVF procedure. This story gently explains the IVF process from a child’s point of view along with beautiful illustrations. This book is a celebration of all unique children and families around the world! Sonya will build on a series of books that are based on real life experiences as her daughter continues to develop through childhood stages. Sonya hopes that her books bring awareness and feelings of joy in helping children conquer some of life’s most challenging situations.

For more information or to contact the author, visit

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road.” Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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