Fiend by Toletha J. Dixon Virtual Book Tour

As an author in this economy, you have to come up with creative ways to market a self-published book. While book tours are a great way to connect with your readers, they aren’t the most affordable method of promotion. However, technology has made it possible for an alternative.

Take note from self-publishing Outskirts Press author, Toletha J. Dixon, who is taking her latest book, Fiend, on tour – a virtual book tour, that is. She will be featured on several blogs over the weeks and months ahead so keep your eyes peeled to learn more about her and her book.

Luckily for us, J.C. was kind enough to answer a few questions as the tour was getting started so that we can give you a sneak peek into the mind of the creator of Fiend.

Fiend book cover

OP: Tell us a little bit about Fiend. What is it about?

TJD: 9 year old Jacob Setherman has been tortured and beatened by an unstrange presence every night during the past year. Neither his mother nor stepfather, Angela Setherman and Keith Adams, can help him. Jacob is faced to defend himself alone as this Fiend becomes more and more hateful and terrorizing.

OP: Why did you decide to write this story?

TJD: From the beginning of time, mankind has acknowledged the presence of good and evil. Regardless of religion, most faiths throughout the ages and throughout the world have stood by the belief of forces of good and evil that is beyond the dimension of the average human being. For the average person who stands on these beliefs, it is more comfortable and more delightful to focus on an all loving God or Deity than to acknowledge and face the other part of their belief; that there is an enemy, who is not only an enemy of God, but an enemy against God’s creation.

Throughout the bible and other sacred and religious texts, we see stories and examples of angels doing God’s bidding on earth, but we also see Satan, or the Devil and his cohorts causing mayhem and destruction in the lives of mankind.

If we are to use the bible as a point of reference, we can take a close look at the story of the very first murder. Two brothers by the name of Cain and Abel brought sacrifices to God. For what reason, the bible doesn’t make clear, God did not “respect Cain nor his offering”, but respected his brother Abel and Abel’s offering to God. Cain was angry because of this. Genesis 4:6-7 says, “God spoke to Cain: “Why this tantrum? Why the sulking? If you do well, won’t you be accepted?” And then God speaks a profound revelation to Cain. “And if you don’t do well, sin is lying in wait for you, ready to pounce; it’s out to get you, you’ve got to master it.”

Before the very first murder in history, God warns Cain, that this doesn’t have to be so. Cain had the opportunity to “master” his anger and rage, in other words resist and reject it. And God also tells Cain that sin (evil) is lying as if a lion, ready to pounce on him. What important lesson do we learn from this? The lesson is that there are “doors”. Doors that we have the power to open and doors that we have the power to close.

Many people are going through things years after they have opened certain doors in their lives to certain things. Why do they struggle with pornography? Why are they sexually promiscuous? Why do they abuse their husband, wife or children? Why are they so angry?

Somewhere and at sometime, just like Cain, evil was “lying in wait” for us. Ready to enter into our homes, our marriages, our family, our minds, our health and even our churches. Yes, our churches. We fail to realize that once Satan and his angels resided in heaven and therefore can deceive men and women as being “angels of light”.

Discernment of what is really good and what is really evil is what men and women need. We’ve seen through history how men and women were deceived by others who have played the role of being of the “light”, but were actually evil. One of the greatest examples of this is the Jonestown mass suicide of 1978, lead by the cult leader Jim Jones.

If we do not stand sure of who we are as Christians and know truth for ourselves, even things that are meant to positive or for our good can be perverted and twisted and can be  destructive to our lives.

This short story will focus on the simple fact that if we are not careful to keep our lives, families and homes blessed and covered from evil, we will allow all kinds of demonic influences in our lives.

OP: What types of readers would be interested in this story?

TJD: Religious and paranormal interest; focuses on the effects of allowing immorality into your life, cautiously or incautious. However, those interested in mysteries and thrillers would highly appreciate it also.

OP: What is special about your book?  What differentiates it from other books in the same category?

TJD: Instead of being something that just makes you hide in the blankets at night, this short novel gives you insight on morality. So you’re learning the effects of inappropriate behavior, spiritually, and also allow you to become more aware of whom you surround yourself with.

OP: Have you published any other books? Do you plan to publish more?

TJD: I have also published “Darkened in Mississippi” which is a short play, and “Lorella’s Saga”, a short story. I want to focus on actually writing a novel, so that’s what I’m currently preparing for.

OP: Thanks for your time, Toletha! We look forward to learning more about you as you visit other bloggers!

Fiend Author Toletha J. DixonABOUT THE AUTHOR:

Toletha Dixon was born March 22, 1982 in Norfolk, Virginia. Toletha joined the US Air Force at the age of 19. Being brought up in a Christian based home, Toletha studied both the Bible and that of the paranormal, relating the two in the range of normal and supernatural experience.



For more information or to contact the author, visit

This author purchased the Virtual Book Tour marketing option, which allows self-publishing authors to connect with bloggers and harness the power of the blogosphere by taking their book on the “virtual road”.  Learn more about this service by visiting your Publishing Center and reviewing the available marketing options.

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