New Marketing Option Available Exclusively for Self-Publishing Outskirts Press Authors

How would you like your book to featured on this blog, on our Outskirts Press social networking channels, and even on our iPhone/iPad app? Wouldn’t it be even better if your book’s Amazon purchase information could be sent directly to our entire list of over 6,000 opted-in email subscribers – which includes both authors and readers from a variety of backgrounds?


Our new Amazon-Branded Featured Book-of-the-Week option allows self-publishing Outskirts Press authors to do just that.

Your book will receive it’s own permanent blog post here at We also send out an email blast with your book’s information and a link to purchase your book directly from Amazon.

There are only 52 weeks each year. Since only one author will be featured each week, only 52 authors can be featured in a year’s time. More specifically, there are only 7 more weeks before Christmas! Therefore, only 7 more authors will be featured during this critical time in the world of book promotion.

We schedule book features in order of payment received. This is a very limited promotional opportunity, so don’t wait!

Want to learn more about this new option? Ready to reserve your spot?