What Might 2013 Mean for Self-Publishing?

With 2012 now just a couple of days behind us, it’s hard not to wonder what the new year will bring for the self-publishing world. Will is be our “lucky ’13?” What earth-shattering changes might we see in our field?

Outskirts Press looks forward to the exciting changes that technology is likely to bring to the publishing world! Here are some of our observations about what this year could look like.

ePublishingEbooks will continue to chew into print book sales. With ebook readers landing in ever more hands, look for that segment of the book market to grow. That’s not to say hard copies have gone the way of the dodo bird, but as virtual books land on more even footing with printed books, our approach to distributing them must change from pretty, eye-catching cover art to maybe a stronger focus on social media.

Self-publishing will gain tremendous ground. Book-buying trends over the last few years appear to indicate that readers are much more open to self-published books than in the past; the independent publishing segment is no longer automatically associated with inferior quality, as books like “Fifty Shades of Grey” gain popularity.

Competition for readers will be tough. Self-publishing has made it easier than ever for talented writers to realize the dream of authorship. The flip side of that is stiff competition from a glut of new writers. This means it may be more diffSocial Media Set-Upicult for self-published authors to cut through the clutter — but not impossible.

Authors will enjoy more freedoms and have more tools at their disposal. Competition may abound, but so do useful tools and services authors need to create, publish and market their books. The new year will see a flood of new smartphone and tablet apps, self-publishing services, social media tools and techniques, and technologies that all serve to make the writer’s job easier and his work more productive.

Outskirts Press, the fastest growing self-publishing company, is constantly adding new services geared toward helping the modern author negotiate these trends and gain visibility in a crowded marketplace. Be sure to visit our Writing Services, Publishing Packages and Marketing Solutions pages regularly for the latest author services.

Have you resolved to finish your great American novel in 2013? Talk to Outskirts Press about getting it published in the new year!

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