Self Publishing Book Marketing – Spring Arbor Christian Distribution

Spring Arbor Christian Distribution
Does your book feature a religious theme? If so, then additional Spring Arbor Christian Distribution is for you. The purpose of Spring Arbor Distributors is to provide superior distribution services for books that enhance people’s relationship with God. Since Spring Arbor is a distributor with a specific purpose, not all titles submitted for consideration are accepted. Spring Arbor holds ultimate discretion for the titles they accept, so be confident your book qualifies.

Now books published via the Outskirts Press Ruby Package have the option to enjoy the extended Christian Distribution via Spring Arbor that our Diamond and Pearl authors enjoy for free.

To order extended Spring Arbor Christian Distribution for your Ruby package, simply access the Marketing Options screen of your author’s center.

Listen to the Bible Study Cafe’s 30-minute interview with Outskirts Press CEO Brent Sampson on Blog Talk Radio by clicking here.

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