The importance of great cover design pt. 1

When it comes to self publishing a high quality book, there is no doubt that a strong cover is among one of the most important elements. And when it comes to strong, artistic, custom cover design, there is no doubt that the designers at Outskirts Press are at the top of their game.

Books are judged by their covers, and consumers look at the cover of a book for approximately 3 seconds, on average, before deciding whether or not they are interested enough to look closer. That’s also how long a prospective wholesaler or distributor or editor or agent looks at your book when deciding whether or not to stock/order/buy/represent it.

3 seconds…

That is all you have to get someone interested in your book. After the months, years, or decades it took to write it, don’t drop the ball when it comes to the cover. Fortunately, Outskirts Press offers a variety of cover options to help. Yes, we let authors submit their own covers, although believe it or not, most authors are writers, not designers.  And yes, we offer customizable covers that are already professionally pre-designed as a part of all our publising packages.

But for the “best of the best” for your book, the artistic custom cover option available with the Diamond, Pearl, and Ruby packages is the only way to go.  For $299 you get what other publishers charge upwards of $999 for.

So, without further ado, we kick off a week-long celebration recognizing some of the truly extraordinary covers on the high-quality books published by Outskirts Press, presented in no particular order below. And if you think your cover has what it takes, submit it to the Random Book Machine to see how it stacks up with others.

The Rapture Puzzle by Odell Griffin
The Rapture Puzzle by Odell Griffin
The Coronado Brief by Justin Dwinnell
The Coronado Brief by Justin Dwinnell
Lioness of the Clan by Anthony Isoh
Lioness of the Clan by Anthony Isoh
Come back tomorrow to see more…  Already published with Outskirts Press but considering adding a custom cover? You can start a publication revision inside your author’s center.
Not yet a published author with Outskirts Press? Start publishing now.