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PAIN: Why Do We Continue to Suffer? The Culture and Science of Pain

by Connie R. Faltynek

(5 Stars – 4 Customer Reviews)

Price: $18.95

Connie R. Faltynek’s “PAIN: Why Do We Continue to Suffer? The Culture and Science of Pain.” Pain is the number one reason that people visit their physicians, yet unrelieved pain continues to be a major medical problem throughout the world. In her book PAIN: Why Do We Continue to Suffer? The Culture and Science of Pain, Connie R. Faltynek explores both the scientific and the cultural issues that contribute to the ongoing problem of pain. Faltynek has a PhD in biochemistry and thirty years of research experience in immunology and pain, including pain medications. She discusses current medications and alternative methods to relieve pain, which are often inadequate or possess significant liabilities. Cultural views and biases also contribute to inadequate pain relief for many people. Based in hard science but written in accessible language, PAIN will enhance understanding of pain and point to a future with reduced suffering from unrelieved pain.

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