Self-Publishing Author Spotlight: Royal T. Honeycutt

We take great pride in celebrating the work of our successful self-publishing authors, and we do so each week through our Self-Publishing Author Spotlight. This week we highlight self-publishing author Royal T. Honeycutt, who has published four titles with Outskirts Press.

Royal T. Honeycutt has the unique talent of bringing the imaginary world to life through all of his published works. Honeycutt gives readers an experience of stepping into another place, time, or reality. Learn more about Honeycutt and where he became inspired through this week’s Self-Publishing Author Spotlight.

About the Author:

Royal T. Honeycutt was born in 1935 and was a farm boy raised in rural Minnesota. He moved to Napa, Californialester-pic, during World War II and later enlisted as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division during the Korean war. It was during those years that he became a well-known disc jockey in North Carolina. Royal has owned many corporations, both large and small, which have circled the globe with offices in Thailand, Vietnam, and Turkey. He has written over 30 novels, novellas, and short and was inducted into the Poetic Hall of Fame in 1997.

Honeycutt resides in Northern California. Through his storytelling, painting and even creating elaborate landscapes with waterfalls, a chapel, bridges and dwellings for gnomes at his home and place of business, he makes the magic real for everyone around.

The Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang

510VSXkIlML._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang gives readers twisters, ghosts, and good old-fashioned fun. The first in a three-part series, readers are introduced to Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro, and the rest of the gang of boys from Tory Forks, Minnesota. Their adventures take them from fishing and swimming to tornados, illegal moonshine stills, and a visit to the cemetery in search of the ghost of Mr. Swartz and the tree from which he hanged himself. Readers are given the chance to lose themselves in the year 1943 and a time when people take “love thy neighbor” to heart, and the pain of war is shared by all. The boys from Tory Forks will entertain readers of all ages—those who want to lose themselves in nostalgia for days gone by, and those who can relate to kids on the verge of adulthood, experiencing the thrills of life as they existed during that era.

Product details…
6 x 9 paperback cream, 202 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (June 06, 2013)
ISBN10: 1432794361
ISBN13: 9781432794361
Genre: Fiction / Action & Adventure

The Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang: Kill the Big One at Hawkins Bar

51+3ZHRl7tL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The boys are back! This time they’re up against some big challenges. In the second book of the Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang trilogy, a group of teenagers from a small farming community in the Midwest find themselves high in the Trinity Alps, facing challenges beyond their wildest dreams. Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the gang head to California, looking for adventure and they leave the Bay area on their uncle’s fishing boat. As they travel north to the harbor of Trinidad, they encounter wild weather and a Japanese submarine. Then it’s back to Uncle Dominic’s mountain ranch, to join the local Indians in their quest for the mystical Firestone. There they come across the elusive and mysterious Bigfoot—called Sasquatch by the native Indians—and upon learning of their discovery, the locals set out to kill the creature.

Danger and adventure abound in this exciting installment, and for one of the Tory Forks boys, romance is in the air. Set in the 1940s, the trilogy continues to evoke nostalgia for simpler times, while entertaining readers of all ages with the timeless adventuresome spirit of teenagers and their uncanny ability to get into trouble.

Product details…
6 x 9 paperback cream, 228 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (June 25, 2014)
ISBN10: 1432794396
ISBN13: 9781432794392
Genre: Fiction / Action & Adventure

The Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang: Search for the Firestone

cover (6)Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the gang return in the third of the three-part series to continue their travels along the rugged mountains of northern California. Along with Crowfoot, the boys’ Indian guide and companion, they are part of a larger party, the Brotherhood of the Firestone, and the teenagers have been left behind to fend for themselves and finalize their commitment to Sasquatch. Now they must cross the highest pass in the Trinity Alps in search of the Kanakti Diamonds, found only on Kanakti Mountain, and they will uncover secrets of the ancient past as they zigzag the back country of lush green valleys and snowcapped mountains. Their quest will lead them to a lost culture…and eventually to the very bowels of the earth. The third installment of The Adventures of Buckfart, Seabiscuit, Pedro and the Gang is a classic blend of humor, adventure, and spiritual awakening that will appeal to readers young and old.

Product details…
6 x 9 paperback cream, 199 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (November 28, 2015)
ISBN10: 143279440X
ISBN13: 9781432794408
Genre: Fiction / Action & Adventure

Our Names Are Written In Blood 

cover (5)Our Names Are Written In Blood  is about an interesting and intriguing love affair. The story leads readers to two countries, The United States and Ireland. The tale unfolds in Minnesota and other interesting areas of America and The Emerald Isle. Readers follow a young medical student, a father, a medical doctor, their families, a prostitute from the south of Ireland and her American girlfriend. The characters spellbind readers though situations that include the unresolved murder and reappearance of the missing prostitute.  It involves a Catholic priest, Protestants, his father, the IRA, a prison break in northern Ireland and many aspects of life as we know it.

Product details…
5.5 x 8.5 paperback cream, 350 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (October 19, 2015)
ISBN10: 1432749668
ISBN13: 9781432749668
Genre: Fiction / Thrillers / Suspense


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