Author Poll: Hugo Marinucci Wants Your Help With Choosing A Cover

Hugo Marinucci is self-publishing a book with Outskirts Press, and he wants your help deciding his upcoming book cover.

Book Summary:

Iris Maloney is the new no-nonsense nurse manager of the busy Medical-Trauma ICU. She inherits a close-knit staff that do their job in a happy-go-lucky way. Iris embarks on a mission to professionalize the unit but gets frustrated in her every attempt.
Will Iris accept this present culture? Or will she resort to other means to achieve her goals?

About the Author:

“Likable, laughable, and lovable” describes the staff in the Medical-Trauma ICU. And yet they always rise up to the life-and-death challenges and the many personalities that come with them, including a new nurse manager that wants to change everything.
I should know. I’m one of those nurses. And I wrote Traumatized. I also published Rome 2020 and The Capitano and Rita.

Please take a look at the two possible covers below and then vote on the choice you recommend.

Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge each cover.

Cover A

Cover B