Start Publishing and receive a FREE Kindle AND NOOK!

FREE Kindle format and NOOK format of your self-published book! Start today with the promotion code below!

Make your book available on the 2 most popular e-book reading devices, the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK. More formats on Amazon and Barnes & Noble means more exposure in the e-book device world. Only books that have been submitted to the Amazon Kindle and the NOOK in the required formats are available for Kindle and NOOK readers to purchase and enjoy. These 2 valuable, popular options are now FREE for authors who start publishing today. If you start right now and choose to publish with our industry-leading Diamond publishing service or our full-color Pearl publishing service, you will receive a FREE Amazon Kindle e-book format and a NOOK format at the time of publication.

Enter the promotion code KINDLENOOK15 when checking out of your shopping cart while purchasing the popular Diamond package or the full color Pearl publishing package.

Click to order the Diamond Package
Click to order the Pearl Package

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