Top 5 Self-Publishing Authors Earn $60,000 in 4th Quarter Royalties from Outskirts Press

Fresh on the heels of the New York Times article focusing on the thriving self-publishing industry, Outskirts Press announces their top 5 authors for the 4th quarter of 2008.  For the second quarter in a row, the top-five earning authors combined to gross over $60,000 in royalties, matching the total earned by the top 5 authors in the 3rd quarter.  “Our successful authors are incredibly consistent,” remarked Outskirts Press president and CEO Brent Sampson.

This is at the end of a record-breaking year marked by a first quarter in which five Outskirts Press authors combined to gross over $75,000 and a second quarter in which five authors combined to gross over $50,000.

“Congratulations should be extended to all our successful authors in 2008,” stated Author Services Director, Karl Schroeder. “And particularly to these five, who prove that if you write a good book, utilize the professional services offered by Outskirts Press for copy-editing, cover design, and unlimited online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and elsewhere, self-publishing can be a lucrative endeavor.”

At a time when many publishers are downsizing or halting title acquisition altogether, authors who self-publish their books with Outskirts Press are finding growing confidence in the full-service, high quality, and marketing support offered after publication.  Not only can publishing a book be rewarding, these authors prove it can be profitable if done right.

As a leading force in the self-publishing industry, Outskirts Press provides the most comprehensive marketing services and support for self-publishing authors, although authors still must play an active role themselves. This effort can pay dividends quarter after quarter, as top-five author Gang Chan acknowledges. Mr. Chen was a top-five author in the first quarter of 2008 for his book Planting Design Illustrated and now returns with the publication of his latest book, LEED AP Exam Guide.

Planting Design Illustrated
Planting Design Illustrated

Also returning to top author status are co-authors Stanley, Adam and Robert Marianski, who have published multiple books through Outskirts Press, including Meat Smoking and Smokehouse Design. Likewise, attorney Myles Alderman returns as a top-five author, as the author of Chapter 11 Business Reorganizations.

Myles Alderman
Myles Alderman

 Congratulations to our top-5 authors for the months of October – December, 2008.

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