Does Oprah Love the Amazon Kindle?

Speaking of the Kindle, be sure to watch the Oprah Winfrey show on Friday, October 24th to see if the Amazon Kindle qualifies as Oprah’s newest “favorite gadget ever.”  Is she talking about the Kindle when she says it will change everything? Tune in to find out, and then when the buzz erupts, be sure your book is already a part of the Kindle library by submitting your published book to the Amazon Kindle with the Outskirts Press Amazon Kindle Submission Service, available for Outskirts Press books.

Speaking of Kindle, what does Amazon have to say about its own device? Look at the Amazon detail page for the Kindle to see how Amazon uses its own knowledge of the features available to highlight its own product. What can you learn from this? Compare YOUR detail page with the Kindle page to see how you can improve your book’s listing on Amazon.  For more help, Brent Sampson’s book, Sell Your Book on Amazon, can help.

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